2018 is a year for learning new things with old friends, meeting new people, and realigning how you move in the world.

These workshops will help you and your clients and friends to expand your thinking in all the planes of existence:

Breathing for Adult Beginners: Connect yourself to this omnipresent bodily function. Feel the centre of your physical self.

Labyrinth Workshop: Learn the history of this ancient meditative practice and walk a path with intention.

The Six Senses for the Conceptual Age: As the systems of the past become obsolete, this session will help you to move your focus into the ways of the future.

At Just the Right Time: Hearing the Cosmos Speak: This will help you to recognize the ways your life has been informed by "unseen" influences, and teach you how to make an intentional connexion to Synchronicity.

Defining Your Focus with Vision Boards: Your Spiritual wisdom already knows what you want and what is available for you. Use this half-day session to calibrate your energy field with the future that you are here to live.

Discovering Your Intuition: This session shows how to get out of your own way. Using simple tools, cards, and images we will relax to stop the flow of internal chatter, and move into a new way of seeing.

Numerology:  Vowels.    For beginning Numerologists, this is a chance to practice with the Spiritual letters that carry the most sacred and intentional energy.

Arrows of Pythagoras.    Beginning Numerologists will learn a simple, easy system with access to profound knowledge using only a date-of-birth.

Create a Silly Hat: Using simple crafting techniques and laughter, make a bonnet that you can wear when you're stressed, when your children aren't listening to you, or to
imagine yourself wearing when the day has let you down. A Silly Hat can make any mood better