On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.
Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 24 September, 2019
In order to clear the space of old or unmoving energies, I lit a candle and carried it along the perimeter of the room, reaching it tall and low often, and particularly in the corners. When I completed the circuit, I invited the support of any teachers, guardians and ancestors who were willing to participate in the event.
I sensed the arrival of many entities, and the collective wisdom they carried with them.
I centred myself through breath and Reiki, then I envisioned an every-client body, prone in front of me.
The head was to my left, and the feet at the right. They were lying on their back.
As my hands and attention moved slowly through their aura, I sensed that they were showing as a heap of plastic numbers, the kind which often have magnets on the back and are seen on the doors of fridges in homes with small children.
The numbers were in a jumble, and I knew that it was for me to bring some order to them.

I shifted my full attention to the feet of the figure, and witnessed the mixed up toys arrange themselves into an orderly display of the Number One. The many pieces oriented themselves to fit neatly together, and maintain the shape of the feet.
The Earth Chakra is not usually a part of my process. This time the process was given to me in this way.
I moved my focus up the body, and at the Root Chakra all the Two figures shifted into formation and became the shape. At the Sacral, the Threes did the same thing, all the way up, past the Crown Chakra.
I stepped back to observe, and saw the lesson of the Nine Chakras as it was revealed to me.

One Energy is where all things begin. It is the substance after nothingness. Ones at the feet are a reminder of the choice we have made to enter into the physical world of the Human Experience.
Two Energy is always about relationship in some way, and to have Two in the Root Chakra is a call to prioritize how we relate to the face in the mirror, how our identity is expressed with others.
The creative energy of Three gathering in the Sacral Chakra echoes the creative nature, and the seat of imagination and generation.
The Four bringing practicality and stability to the Solar Plexus and the Third Chakra is a profound invitation and expectation that each of us will find the true personal foundation upon which we can build our lives without needing to second guess ourselves.
To have the growing expanding energy of Five emanating from the Heart Chakra is surely an worthy ambition and a way into a loving and connected future.
The Throat Chakra is associated with communication, and to declare it the seat of Six Energy: that which promotes service and beauty and aids us in our journey to our intended destiny. It is a call to name our ambitions and to speak our truths, for this is how we can manifest our intentions.
Seven is deeply Spiritual. Seven is the Teacher, and to have the Seven associated with Third Eye feels entirely correct. It is through using our Knowing that we can learn and move forward.
At the Crown, where Divine Energy enters and animates us, there is the Eight, the lemniscate, looping back and forth, which each in-breath and out-breath sustaining our continued presence within our physical body. The line of the Eight travels back and forth to Spirit, and brings everything we need to promote our Spiritual Growth during this Physical lifetime.
Above the head, and reaching into the Infinite Unseen Dimension, is holistic Nine Energy. This is the energy which contains and connects all others. This is the Energy without which there is no Soul.
These insights were given rapidly, nevertheless I felt very tired as I sealed the vision into a golden, egg-shaped field.
Several of the teachers in attendance offered to remain with this event, to keep it from harm, and to make it accessible to Seekers.
This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. You may choose to visit or revisit it at any time; request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 24 September, 2019. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 29 October, 2019 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time

I cleared my space with my pendulum, first gathering and dispelling all unwelcome energies, and then reversing the swing and calling positive energies.There was much more positive activation than there had been negative, which quickly dissipated.
I then welcomed the guides, guardians and teachers who had agreed to be part of the process tonight.
I settled and centred myself, and allowed the pendulum to continue its movements.
I envisioned a prone body in front of me. I was at the side, with the head to my left and the feet at my right. I reached my hands above it and saw it prickle as though my hands were magnets and the body made of metal shavings.
As I moved my focus along the length of the body, the filings lifted and subsided in waves.

I was able to swirl them into spirals, and if I concentrated they would lift in little stalagmites as I passed above them.
I was granted the wisdom that this was an illustration of the physical sensitivity of a human body.
Our very cells respond to, and may be changed by, whatever energetic fields to which they are exposed.
I was told to highlight the need for awareness: for bing mindful of the environment in which we find ourselves. Negative people will have a negative affect on our physical as well as emotional selves. Each of us is a magnet, and we do well to surround ourselves with the energies we want to attract.
Nothing I could transmit to the vision would stop it from being responsive. I sealed it into a membrane where it can be accessed in the future.
Some of the guiding entities present agreed to remain with this alignment, and facilitate in the sharing of it.
This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. You may choose to visit or revisit it at any time; request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 26 March, 2019. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 30 April, 2019 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.
Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 29 January, 2019
It was a cold winter evening when I prepared for this alignment. I took time to remove some untidiness from my space. I purified the air by ringing a brass bell in the four directions and at centre where I stood.
I breathed into my heart, and became very still. I intended to allow other presences, and they made themselves known. Elders and ancestors and guides were in the room with me, overflowing with unconditional love for me, my community, and the work at hand. Tears filled my eyes as I felt this profound love wash through me.
I asked that any energy with no direct role in the work return immediately to source for reassignment. I requested that only entities concerned with the highest good of all involved should remain.
I seated myself, closed my eyes, and visualized my every-person client on a table in front of me. Their head was to my left. I breathed deeply, imagining my exhalations entering the body in front of me.
The figure took form, pulsing slowly, attuned with my breath. It rippled, and when peaks appeared on the surface, I recognized that it had formed into a slab of amethyst.

I held my hands above the torso of the figure, and as my fingers rippled the energy field, the amethyst rolled and morphed into new configurations, the colour growing sometimes pale, and sometimes more intense. It danced.

At theThird Eye there appeared a cut amethyst jewel, which slowly softened into a oval so smooth it would not hinder the flow of information.

Gradually the points and edges on the entire body rounded themselves and jostled against each other comfortably.

Several of the ancestors agreed to remain with this alignment, that it remain in safekeeping and be available for whomever should choose to sit within it.
This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. Whenever you choose to visit or revisit it, request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 29 January, 2019. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 26 February, 2019 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time