For Energy Alignments prior to 2019, visit the extensive archive dating back to 2013 at
On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: 25 February, 2020

     I prepared my space by smudging it with sage, and calling on the Spirits of the four directions to support me in the centre. I invited as many co-creators as were willing to join me, and then I suggested that any among them who had an intentions not fully aligned with my own, to depart and seek reassignment.
     I seated myself and intended a vision in front of me. I saw the reclining human figure, with the feet to my right, and I saw that it was ill-defined, lumpy in a different way than human bumpiness.

     As I brought the image into focus, I found myself looking at an omelette, or a serving of omurice. It was bulky and took up the full space where I expected to see a human figure.
    I raised my hands, thinking that as I channelled energy into it, the shapelessness would be replaced. Instead, it subsided somewhat, and flattened out  giving it an appearance of scrambled eggs. I felt confused, and questioned my connexion, guides in thet room assured me that I was seeing exactly correctly.
     As I focussed on the cooked eggs, they swirled and shifted and became raw eggs, their yolks bright and shining, their albumen very thick and transparent.
     I took a deep breath and allowed my confusion to pass through me. I saw the potential of the raw eggs, the possibilities that they had for becoming scrambled, or made into omurice, or some other future.
     I accepted the raw eggs as an image of potential, and as I breathed that wisdom into my own field, hard shells embraced the raw eggs, and I was shown fresh eggs, filling my field of view.
     I sat and observed, questions flowing through my awareness without stopping, until I became aware that all the stages of the egg could be summoned at any time. Linear time exists only in the physical plane, and in the Unseen realms, it is perfectly possible for the omelette to be returned to the shell. 
     All of time exists, all the time. 
     I pulled a ribbon around the composite image which was now displayed, and sealed this event into a different kind of eggshell to be stored for visitors to access.
     I thanked everyone in the room for being with me throughout this revelation. Several teachers agreed to remain with this event, and facilitate the sharing of it when asked.
This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. You may choose to visit or revisit it at any time; request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 25 February, 2020. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday,31 March, 2020 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time
On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.
Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 28 January, 2020

Using a small green light, I encircled the room with an intention to dispel shadows and to stir up stagnant energy. I moved the light from floor to ceiling and ensured it sone into all the corners. When I was done, the shadows had dissipated and I perceived a glow of green light throughout the area, which I related to Heart Chakra energy.
Into this cleared and positive space I invited the teachers, guides and guardians who were called to attend, and many crowded into the room. I welcomed them, and asked that if they were not attending for the Highest Purpose of all concerned, they should return to the Unseen and await another call.
The room grew calm.
I sat and centred myself, gathering my focus into the space directly in front of me. I connected to the vision of a human figure, lying down in front of me. The head was to my left, and as I grew aware of it and focussed on seeing details, I felt warmth rising from it without any visible source. I raised my hands over the torso, and the body lit up with colour. 
There was movement: flashing and flickering lights were a part of the system that illuminated the form, and blues and greens and reds shone through in a chaotic and shifting pattern. It was beautiful.
It echoed the look of a suburban street when several houses have been decorated with outdoor lights for the Christmas festival. There was playfulness about the disorganization, there was nothing wrong, simply many focal points vying for attention.
I moved my hands within the energy envelope, and some of the lights solidified slightly. The form took on the appearance of stained glass, except that the glass was not solid, it was a slow-moving gel, and it was glowing with internal lights which sometimes matched the colour, and sometimes added new shades and tones. Red, green and blue remained the predominant colours  
My hands began to seek out the energy centres, beginning at the Crown, and I witnessed the appearance of stylized snowflakes in each Chakra. They glowed a deep and luminescent white, so white that it seemed to be tinged with blue.
All seven came into focus from the Crown down to the Root. As I observed them, they stopped being snowflakes, and took on the characteristics of the Sanskrit symbols associated with the Chakras. They remained stunningly white on a bed of slowly moving colour, which by now had developed a serenity and a gentle rhythm like breathing.
I sought an interpretation, and was given a vision of more white light, possibly even brighter. I was assured that the Source of All Things is present at all times, and that the speed of movement in physical matter is irrelevant to the unfolding of Spirit. While any individual soul is anchored in a Human body and Human experience, it is flowing growth and expansion to its Source, and expanding the very fabric of the Unseen Realms. The red of the Root, the green of the Heart and the blue of the Throat Chakras are those which expand Source knowing, It is the physical and emotional experience, adn teh communication of it, that is the reason for entering what Gary Zukav calls the Earth School.
Whatever growth and learning occurs in the physical body, and especially the activity on the Emotional Plane, is added to the total knowledge at the Cosmic Source.
I was overcome with gratitude for this teaching, recognizing it as vitally important in my own life, as well as the lives of the people in my physical sphere.
I sealed the event into a transparent envelope of pure gratitude, anchoring it at head and foot, and allowing the bright Chakra lights to continue illuminating anyone who looks in that direction.
I thanked everyone present for their attendance, and several stepped forward to keep custody of the event and to permit access to all sincere Seekers who come in pursuit of the revelations.

This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. You may choose to visit or revisit it at any time; request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 28 January, 2020. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 25 February, 2020 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time
On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.
Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 31 December, 2019

Using a small hand-broom I swept the energies of the room into action, paying special attention to the corners, under and behind the chairs, and all across the ceiling. When I had swept around the whole room, I envisioned all the energies to come together in the open space, and dance together as a swirling vortex. When I saw this happening, I asked that any negative or negating forces should return to Source to be redirected. A small part of the central swirl of the vortex suddenly spun slightly faster, and then rotated out of room through the floor. 
I invited in whichever Spiritual warriors, guardians and protective spirits might be willing to oversee the alignment. The room filled with pale golden light as multiple entities jostled into position. I welcomed them, and turned my attention to the area in front of me.
In my mind held a picture of my 'every-client'. They were lying comfortably in front of me, and I was standing on their right-hand side.
I raised my hands and caressed the space about 20 centimetres above the form, and shifted my attention along the area, from the head to the feet.
Returning to centre, I was aware of freshness. The field, the aura in which I was now breathing, was green and spring-like. There was a sense of growth and chlorophyll. 

When I looked down I saw that pine boughs made up the figure, they were not sculpted and shaped, but rather haphazard. As I focussed on them, and swept my hands over them, they arranged themselves on a head-to-foot alignment, with their needles growing from feet to head.
Like a tree in spring, there were pale green growing ends, delineating new fresh growth. Now that they were lined up, this growth all pointed towards the head.
I recognized that at this time on New Year's Eve, the concept of growth and potential is an important one for each of us.    
Moving into a year with a Four Energy (2+0+2+0=4) surrounds us with a solid, practical base. The best use of such a dependable substructure is to grow and reach as far as possible. Having these branches illustrate the sprouting that points to the head suggests learning, expanding worldview, and developing the skills and talents that we see as residing in our minds.
I sealed the vision into a shiny green bubble, and sealed it with a green bow at the Crown Chakra. I was aware that the Crown is connected to all wisdom in the cosmos, and the ribbon will ensure it can flow into this event at any time it is requested.
I was aware, also, that I was closing Linear 2019, and that in my physical form I will not be returning.
Teachers who were present offered to remain with this Alignment event, and make it available to all who desire to engage with it.
This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. You may choose to visit or revisit it at any time; request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 31 December, 2019. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 28 January, 2019 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time
On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 26 November, 2019

I lit a Sandalwood joss-stick and walked it around the room, pausing in the corners and where the furnishings allowed to raise and lower it to include the whole space in the ritual cleansing. I returned to the centre of the room, and spoke into the rising smoke, inviting whichever Ancestors, Guides and Teachers were moved to attend, and asking them to join me.
When the room was settled, I took my position and welcomed them, and added the further invitation for any present who were not fully focussed to the Great Good of the event, should return whence they came and prepare for a different mission. 
The incense smoke spiralled in a tight corkscrew directly upwards, and then settled back as the room grew quiet.
I envisioned myself at the side of a human form. The head was to my left, and the details of the body were indistinct.
I stood up, and raised my hands over the belly of the figure, and then spread my arms apart, feeling the energy from head to foot all at the same time.
As I did so, I felt movement in front of me, and when I focussed back to the form, it was a tumbling jumbled mass of motion. As I looked closer, I saw that there was no human there, but rather a strange hybrid colony of multiple kinds of insects.
I do not usually go out of my way to seek the company of insects. Standing as I was, I was able to connect to the thought forms of recognizing the importance of the insect kingdom, and the miraculous role they play in the web of life. I retained myself on the mental plane for a few moments, and only very slowly was able to shift into emotional and spiritual connexion to this vision.
I could hear the rustling of beetle wings, and the buzzing of wasps and bees. I needed to breathe deeply to remain engaged. Feeling a little besieged, I asked for direct help from the guardians in attendance.
A presence stepped up, it felt female and gentle. She took my right hand and then reached into the swirling form before us, and brought out a ladybug. Shiny and red and black, I do not find any fear of ladybugs within me.
Next she drew out a scarab beetle, which, for me, holds associations with the fascinating and Spiritual history of Ancient Egypt. I saw no reason to be squeamish.
Next she had me focus on a butterfly, multicoloured and delict beauty, I have only ever felt delight at seeing them in the world. Moths fluttered up, seeking the light, some of them landing on my shoulder and hair. Flies flitted about, big fat houseflies, and tiny aphids and fruit-flies. / They did nothing to encroach on my person or my privacy.
Suddenly, all around me were the lightning bugs and dragonflies that I enjoy so much. There was a small congregation of mantises and an orchestra of crickets. Bees were constructing a honeycomb, and wasps were manufacturing the paper to build themselves a hive. Ants were constructing highways to facilitate easy travel. 
The beetles and weevils plodded about very deliberately, and the roaches and earwigs followed them in a slow journey that served their purposes. 
None of the creatures present was in anyway malicious or holding an intention to damage me, each was simply intent on its own life, its own activity and comfort. 
As I stepped away to look at the whole figure again, I was much more comfortable with the nature of it. The overall hue was the dark red of the ladybugs maintaining my unthreatened response. 
I paused to reflect on the meaning of this vision.
The guardian beside me, who had wings like the fairies of childhood tales, reminded me that all of the universe is One. I am the beetles and the ants and the wasps. They are me. I felt some peace, hearing this, and I raised my hands again to seal the moment so that it could be stored for future visits. The cocoon I created was clear with veins like a dragonfly wing: strong and reliable.
My fairy-like guardian and some others stepped up to remain and care for this vision and make it available to any Seekers who come to experience it.
     This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. You may choose to visit or revisit it at any time; request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 26 November, 2019. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
 Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 31 December, 2019 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.
Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 29 October, 2019

I sat quietly to centre myself for this alignment, and then I activated Reiki rays and moved around the area, directing Reiki energy into the corners and places where light might have become unmoving. I cleared the area from floor to ceiling, and then settled into a quiet position.
I invited the support of unseen energies, and was instantly aware of a population of benign guides and teachers, along with devas and nymphs who enveloped the space in a playful and joyous feeling.
I suggested that any who were present in error should return to Source, and a mood of engaged anticipation and expectation of fun settled into the group.  
In front of me was a human form, lying with the head to my left and the feet to my right. I raised my hands over it and closed my eyes to see into the constituent parts of it, and determine its nature.
It was made of seeds.
A diverse collection of hundreds of kinds of seeds were all piled together to make the shape, and the concept of limitless potential became almost tangible.
As I moved my attention to the head, and then slowly down the body, I was aware of a shifting and changing within the pile, there was nothing still or dormant, the seeds were itching to burst into growth. I briefly envisioned a human-sized chia pet, and was surrounded by happy laughter.

None of the seeds germinated. They remained whole, while vibrating with the future life they contained.
There were seeds of every size, there were barely discernible onion seeds and the pits from avocados and every size and shape in between. As my hand and focus hovered above the chakras, the seeds were vibrant underneath, yet they did not move around or organize into categories. 
The whole of the being, at every level and in every tiny part, was entirely formed from the creative possibility of limitless choice.  
The message I received was to release the lessons of what it means to be sensible, of prioritizing the goals of previous generations. Life is for nurturing our own nature, and providing an environment where our dreams are allowed to surface and be honoured and celebrated. Once acknowledged, there will be growth. It can be any of a thousand kinds, there wre no limits to the capability and possibilities of anyone, even those who have already spent many decades in the human experience. There is no limit to the growth that can come and the benefit that can follow, for all the world.
Just as a potato plant can flourish green and provide edible roots to nourish the family, so any desire and any ambition can nourish the community when it is allowed to thrive.

Nothing was changed in the vision. Everything was exactly as it was when I first daw it.
What had shifted was the understanding that there is no need for change in order to come into alignment with the Unseen. All that needs to happen is that we recognize every calling and desire and ambition as a way for life to be enriched and enhanced.
Several Devas offered to remain with this event, and they cast a tight-fitting enclosure around it, preserving it for whomever visits. 
This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. You may choose to visit or revisit it at any time; request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 29 October, 2019. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 26 November, 2019 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 24 September, 2019

In order to clear the space of old or unmoving energies, I lit a candle and carried it along the perimeter of the room, reaching it tall and low often, and particularly in the corners. When I completed the circuit, I invited the support of any teachers, guardians and ancestors who were willing to participate in the event. 

I sensed the arrival of many entities, and the collective wisdom they carried with them. 

I centred myself through breath and Reiki, then I envisioned an every-client body, prone in front of me. 

The head was to my left, and the feet at the right. They were lying on their back.

As my hands and attention moved slowly through their aura, I sensed that they were showing as a heap of plastic numbers, the kind which often have magnets on the back and are seen on the doors of fridges in homes with small children.

The numbers were in a jumble, and I knew that it was for me to bring some order to them.

I shifted my full attention to the feet of the figure, and witnessed the mixed up toys arrange themselves into an orderly display of the Number One. The many pieces oriented themselves to fit neatly together, and maintain the shape of the feet. 

The Earth Chakra is not usually a part of my process. This time the process was given to me in this way.

I moved my focus up the body, and at the Root Chakra all the Two figures shifted into formation and became the shape. At the Sacral, the Threes did the same thing, all the way up, past the Crown Chakra.

I stepped back to observe, and saw the lesson of the Nine Chakras as it was revealed to me.

One Energy is where all things begin. It is the substance after nothingness. Ones at the feet are a reminder of the choice we have made to enter into the physical world of the Human Experience.

Two Energy is always about relationship in some way, and to have Two in the Root Chakra is a call to prioritize how we relate to the face in the mirror, how our identity is expressed with others.

The creative energy of Three gathering in the Sacral Chakra echoes the creative nature, and the seat of imagination and generation.

The Four bringing practicality and stability to the Solar Plexus and the Third Chakra is a profound invitation and expectation that each of us will find the true personal foundation upon which we can build our lives without needing to second guess ourselves.

To have the growing expanding energy of Five emanating from the Heart Chakra is surely an worthy ambition and a way into a loving and connected future.

The Throat Chakra is associated with communication, and to declare it the seat of Six Energy: that which promotes service and beauty and aids us in our journey to our intended destiny. It is a call to name our ambitions and to speak our truths, for this is how we can manifest our intentions.

Seven is deeply Spiritual. Seven is the Teacher, and to have the Seven associated with Third Eye feels entirely correct. It is through using our Knowing that we can learn and move forward.

At the Crown, where Divine Energy enters and animates us, there is the Eight, the lemniscate, looping back and forth, which each in-breath and out-breath sustaining our continued presence within our physical body. The line of the Eight travels back and forth to Spirit, and brings everything we need to promote our Spiritual Growth during this Physical lifetime. 

Above the head, and reaching into the Infinite Unseen Dimension, is holistic Nine Energy. This is the energy which contains and connects all others. This is the Energy without which there is no Soul.

These insights were given rapidly, nevertheless I felt very tired as I sealed the vision into a golden, egg-shaped field.

Several of the teachers in attendance offered to remain with this event, to keep it from harm, and to make it accessible to Seekers.

This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. You may choose to visit or revisit it at any time; request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 24 September, 2019. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 29 October, 2019 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time 

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.
Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 27 August, 2019

I cleared the room with tingsha bells, which I sounded in each of the corners, waiting each time until the tone stopped vibrating. The room felt cooler after I had completed this. I invited support from whichever guides and teachers were prepared and available to be with me, and was soon greeted by a crowd of presence. I requested that any energies or entities who were not present int he service of the highest good should return to their origin and prepare for reassignment. The atmosphere of the room was thick and comfortable.
I proceeded to envision the physical form of a person who would represent each and every member of this community, in any timeline. The client was in front of me, lying down, with their feet to my right.
I closed my eyes and raised my hands about 25 centimetres above the form, gently moving them to envelop the whole area, from head to foot. 
As I did this, the body began to glow with an inner light, very softly white. It took on the appearance of a sculpture created out of a pile of small crystals. There was an overall impression of polished rose quartz, pulsing slowly, with an intensity that increased with the regular rhythm of a human heartbeat. 
As I examined more closely, I saw that this was not a single piece, but an amalgam of many many small crystals, mostly polished and shining, and a few nestled among them still raw and freshly cut. The slight movement that reflected the pulse was taking the rough edges away, very very slowly.
As I shifted my attention closer I saw a cluster of red jasper at the Root Chakra, very bright and dense. Along from it, at the position of the Sacral Chakra, was a large piece of Carnelian, glowing dark and glossy orange. It was brightening and dimming in concert with the entire pulse. At the Solar Plexus was a tea-plate sized collection of shiny pieces of yellow stones, butter quartz or lemony citrine.   
At the Heart Chakra was a tumble of green colour. Rose Quartz is a stone of unconditional love, and it is often associated with the heart. In this moment, however, that green which is the green of the living layer of the planet connected to the heart of my vision. I recognized aventurine, jade, serpentine and malachite, perhaps the diversity representing the many kinds of love that we are able to feel and express. 
At the throat of the figure was a single polished lapis lazuli, the size of a small egg. It aligned lengthwise on the neck, pouring energy into the speech centre and facilitating communication on many levels.
On the Third Eye sat a raw amethyst, its growing crystals rearing up, catching the light and connecting the person with the dimension beyond.

 At the crown, where animating energy enters into the body, there was a bright clear multi-faceted stone. It could have been a diamond, it might have been clear quartz. 
As I reached the head of the client I drew a bubble around the entire vision, and anchored it at  Crown Chakra.  I stepped back and saw that all the chakras were aligned with each other, and the Divine light which is life was pulsing, slowly and steadily, like the heart of a sleeping child. I wrapped the vision in quiet, letting it rest, and letting witnesses be in awe.  
I thanked those in attendance for being with me, and some declared that they would remain with this alignment in perpetuity.
This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. You may choose to visit or revisit it at any time; request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 27 August, 2019. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 24 September, 2019 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time
This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. You may choose to visit or revisit it at any time; request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 27 August, 2019. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 24 September, 2019 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time
On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.
Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 30 July, 2019

Clearing space and cleansing the energy of a new-to-me space, I used a brass bell and hand clapping to break up any stuck vibrations which might be present. 
I opened a door to make physical my invitation to the guides and teachers who might enhance this session. I used a broom as a symbol to the unnecessary energies which I asked to return to Source in order to be reassigned. When the area felt calm and clear, I sat and breathed my focus into the centre of my being.
The human form I envisioned in front of me was lumpy and disorganized. Although it was certainly representative of a person, it was also a collection of untidiness. 
I was sitting at the side, with the head to my left, and I shifted my attention from the whole of it o the details that were present within it. I soon realized that the shape was composed of dozens of shoes: many colours and styles all cluttered together, overlapping and confused.
As I touched them they allowed me to move them, and I was able to find the pairs for them. I arranged them side by side, and then when there were too man I put them on top of each other. I placed them all neatly with all the toes pointing to the feet of the figure.

The muddle was soon eliminated, and the shape was clearly human. It now gave off a sense of direction and forward movement. 
Progress was being made through no more effort than marshalling the resources and presenting them in order. 
All of which is a lesson.

I draped a white cover around the vision, spiralling it underneath and letting it retain the organization within. I moved to the head and bunched up the fabric, flaring it into a giant rose-like bloom. I closed off the session and stored it for the future.
I thanked all who had been with me for the visions and the insights.Some of the attending entities agreed to remain with this alignment and guide visitors through it.

This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. You may choose to visit or revisit it at any time; request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 30 July, 2019. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 27 August, 2019 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time
On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.
Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 25 June, 2019

Lighting candles in the corners of the room, I flushed out all the shadows and shades. I invited negative and unassigned energies to leave so that they could locate the places where they would be of benefit.
As the flames and artificial light subsided, the room was filled with a yellow-white glow. I welcomed the protective teachers and guardians who agreed to attend and some of whom were prepared to remain afterwards.
I bathed my own aura in light, breathing it deeply and feeling it fill my body. Each time I exhaled the light radiated through my skin, back into the room.

I settled into position, and envisioned the every-client figure in front of me. I was at the side, with the feet to my right. The image of it felt heavy and dark.
As I reached towards it I realized it was wet and sludgy and I drew my hands back. It had stronger gravity than its surroundings, although I was able to stay clear.
I breathed very consciously, radiating light into the murkiness of the figure, hoping for light to enter and interrupt the blackness of it. It remained weighted and dense.
I withdrew again, and called white light through my crown, directing it out of my hands towards the form. I could see the sharp rays of light leaving my palms like broad, white lasers. They hit the figure and vanished, blinked out of sight, swallowed by the blackness.

I withdrew once more, and sat with the knowing that there was a way for the light to reach within. I remained inactive for a few moments, simply observing and waiting. 
The surface of the figure grew slightly paler, and I again directed light at it. This time it refracted and reflected all around the room. Beams ricocheted from the ceiling and walls returning over and over until there was brightness everywhere. The muddy black body lost density and became more pale and malleable. I was able to touch and mould it.
I was reminded of the teaching that only light can eliminate darkness, only love can eradicate hatred and only patience can overcome linear time.
Light continued to flow through me, and with the illumination came softness and adaptability. Weight was lifted and gone, no limits were imposed on what could or would come next.

This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time, curated by benign spirits. You may choose to visit or revisit it at any time; request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 25 June, 2019. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 30 July, 2019 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time
     On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.
Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 27 May, 2019

I selected my work area and cleared it of all extraneous objects. I burnt sandalwood incense while I worked, and then carried the joss-sticks around the perimeter of the room. As I did so I suggested that any presence that was not vital to the positive completion of the session should return to the Cosmos for reassignment.
I then sat and centred myself, and welcomed the many presences who revealed themselves. There were grandparents from multiple generations, and Nature daevas, as well as Light Beings, teachers, and others.
As I slowed my breathing and focussed my vision, I saw the shape of a human reclining in front of me. The head was to my left, and I was at the side, near the waist.
I raised my hands and sensed the confusion and chaos within the shape. There were swirling currents and colours shifting throughout the entire body.

At first I simply observed, and with that choice I felt a calming of the energy in the room. I watched as the whirling areas calmed and became spirals. The movement continued with a quiet that had been absent before.
When I placed my attention at the head, I recognized that white and violet colours were eddying at the crown ad third eye. With that realization, I saw the other colours, twirling with precisely matched speed and direction, were now the colours of the chakras.
I placed my hands above the blue of the throat and the green of the heartspace, feeling powerful vibrations rising to my palms. When I shifted to the solar plexus the yellow was so bright that I needed to look away to protect my eyes. The orange of the sacral chakra and the red of the root were bright and gave off an atmosphere of quiet accomplishment: all that needed to be done was being done.
I saw that the seven were synchronized with each other, and knew them to be correct. I wound a golden ribbon around the entire field, making an elongated egg. I sealed it at the crown, leaving fronds of gold and white in a great rosette of sustaining energy.
 As I prepared to leave, a crowd of Spirits announced that they would remain with this alignment in order to guide Seekers who choose to experience it in the future.
      This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. You may choose to visit or revisit it at any time; request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 27 May, 2019. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 25 June, 2019 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time

    On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.
Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 30 April, 2019

I established my workspace and cleared it with intense light generated elsewhere and transmitted through my palms.
I requested the departure of any entity or energy that was not focussed on the good of this community. 
I then invited the benign and active presence of whichever ancestors, guardians and teachers were willing to provide protection and positive guidance to the session. 
I breathed myself into a calm and centred mindset, and felt myself bathed in white light and love.
Before me I saw a human figure, representing everyone, present and future, who might participate in this alignment event. I projected the colours of the chakras into it, setting the lights spinning.
I leaned forward to touch the skin, and there was no barrier, my hands fell within, into a mass of particles. They were each solid and hard, like uncooked lentils. 

I allowed my hands to rest, doing nothing more than being in the moment, feeling how the individual grains were vital to the collective. The lights of the chakra wheels glowed through the dense collection, bouncing from one to another, fading at the edges, melding into the next shade.
No single lentil could be removed or altered and leave the total unchanged. My hands stirred gently, and felt the lining up and settling of all the individual parts. 

The teaching is clear. Each individual has a role to play, and as each comes into alignment, so the light shining through them attracts all others to find the correct position.
I moved to the feet of the figure, and drew a clear, silvery bubble around the whole, sealing it with the warmth of my hands. Inside it was filled with rainbow light.
Teachers who were present volunteered to remain with the alignment, and conduct visitors to and through it from anywhere on the time scale.  
  This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. You may choose to visit or revisit it at any time; request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 30 April, 2019. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 27 May, 2019 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time
     On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.
Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 26 March, 2019  

I cleared my space with my pendulum, first gathering and dispelling all unwelcome energies, and then reversing the swing and calling positive energies.There was much more positive activation than there had been negative, which quickly dissipated.

I then welcomed the guides, guardians and teachers who had agreed to be part of the process tonight.

I settled and centred myself, and allowed the pendulum to continue its movements. 

I envisioned a prone body in front of me. I was at the side, with the head to my left and the feet at my right. I reached my hands above it and saw it prickle as though my hands were magnets and the body made of metal shavings.

As I moved my focus along the length of the body, the filings lifted and subsided in waves.

I was able to swirl them into spirals, and if I concentrated they would lift in little stalagmites as I passed above them.

I was granted the wisdom that this was an illustration of the physical sensitivity of a human body. 

Our very cells respond to, and may be changed by, whatever energetic fields to which they are exposed.

I was told to highlight the need for awareness: for bing mindful of the environment in which we find ourselves. Negative people will have a negative affect on our physical as well as emotional selves. Each of us is a magnet, and we do well to surround ourselves with the energies we want to attract.

Nothing I could transmit to the vision would stop it from being responsive. I sealed it into a membrane where it can be accessed in the future. 

Some of the guiding entities present agreed to remain with this alignment, and facilitate in the sharing of it.

This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. You may choose to visit or revisit it at any time; request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 26 March, 2019. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 30 April, 2019 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time

     On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.
Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 26 February, 2019

     I prepared my space with heat this time, manifesting the warmth of Spirit despite nearby winter and storms.
     I used a candle flame as a metaphor, and carried the light and heat into all corners, high and low, noting how the clear brightness was balanced by wavering shadows as I moved. 
     When I settled into position and light was stable, I invited in any guides and guardians who wished to serve this community by being present. As I felt the room filled, I then requested that the Highest Good of the community be placed at the forefront of the session. I requested that any energy or entity who was not so focussed should return to source for assignment elsewhere.

     The light and room grew warmer as I visualized the human form lying in front of me. The head was at my left, and I was at the side, beside the waist. 
     I centred myself, and inhaled the comfortable, clement breath of the room. I saw that the figure was coloured in two parts, divided down the centre from head to toe. On its right side, closest to me, it was white. On the left side it was black. The dividing line was crisp and clear.
     As my mind engaged the idea of opposites, I raised my hands above the body. I paused as a cascade of images flashed into my attention. Hot and Cold. Light and Dark. Small and Large. Tall and Short. Loud and Silent. Passion and Apathy. Begin and End. First and Last. Follow and Lead. There were more, crowding to be seen. I chose to disengage with the clamour, and returned my attention to the task at hand. 
     As I gave my attention to the stripes, they began to shift. 
     New sharp lines appeared within the colour blocks.
     I flowed light into them, and heard a harmonic wood-block knocking sound as they shuffled about. Squares dislocated themselves from the solid blocks, and glided past each other in smooth and gentle way. 
     When they were positioned in a grid, black and white squares like a chessboard, the fidgeting stopped. Before me was a chequerboard human form.
     I saw it balanced between two sides of a scale. I saw it symmetrical, existing in equilibrium. I appreciated the truth that each concept exists because its opposite exists.      
     Without darkness we do not know the light. If nothing is small, then all things are the same size, and big cannot be. There are no conclusions if nothing commences.
I sealed the figure before me, doing nothing to block the image or the colours.
     I thanked all the teachers in the room, and some agreed to remain in place to watch over this experience, opening it for whomever may seek it.

     This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. You may choose to visit or revisit it at any time; request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 26 February, 2019. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
     Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 26 March, 2019 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time

    On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 29 January, 2019

     It was a cold winter evening when I prepared for this alignment. I took time to remove some untidiness from my space. I purified the air by ringing a brass bell in the four directions and at centre where I stood.

     I breathed into my heart, and became very still. I intended to allow other presences, and they made themselves known. Elders and ancestors and guides were in the room with me, overflowing with unconditional love for me, my community, and the work at hand. Tears filled my eyes as I felt this profound love wash through me. 

     I asked that any energy with no direct role in the work return immediately to source for reassignment. I requested that only entities concerned with the highest good of all involved should remain.

     I seated myself, closed my eyes, and visualized my every-person client on a table in front of me. Their head was to my left. I breathed deeply, imagining my exhalations entering the body in front of me. 

     The figure took form, pulsing slowly, attuned with my breath. It rippled, and when peaks appeared on the surface, I recognized that it had formed into a slab of amethyst. 

     The colour was of the Third Eye, the place of Second Sight, Intuition, and Knowing. The entire body took this form, and taught me that all parts of the physical are receptors for the Cosmic Wisdom that is held in our souls.

    I held my hands above the torso of the figure, and as my fingers rippled the energy field, the amethyst rolled and morphed into new configurations, the colour growing sometimes pale, and sometimes more intense. It danced. 

     At theThird Eye there appeared a cut amethyst jewel, which slowly softened into a oval so smooth it would not hinder the flow of information.

      Gradually the points and edges on the entire body rounded themselves and jostled against each other comfortably.

     The felt the lesson settle into my mind. We are immortal souls, housed in physical bodies which are eternally in contact with non-physical information. As we work with this truth and process the available wisdom, we become soft and gentle, and able to live and work closely with others. 

     Several of the ancestors agreed to remain with this alignment, that it remain in safekeeping and be available for whomever should choose to sit within it.

     This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. Whenever you choose to visit or revisit it, request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 29 January, 2019. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

     Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 2February, 2019 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time