Yes! Add Me Please

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 25 December, 2018

     In preparation for this alignment, I shut off the overhead lights and worked with the colourful seasonal lights that remained. I enticed the vibrations of green and blue into all corners of the space, and allowed them to glow softly.

    I greeted the guardians and teachers who were present and suggested that any energy that was not focussed in the current event should leave without making any contribution.

     I place myself at the side of my ‘every-client’ space, and envisioned that presence, with the head at my left.

     At first viewing, the figure was almost imperceptible. It was clear like glass, only a few spots reflecting the dim blue and green lights of the room.

     As I placed my attention into it, the figure combined the colours, and took on a full turquoise hue, not solid, but swirling like smoke, or coloured liquid. 

     When I moved my hands above it, the fluid followed the motion. 

     With my fingers spread, I began to comb the colour from the head to the feet, and gradually the turquoise formed an arrangement like muscle: the fibres aligned along the length, and arranged in bundles which fitted together snugly and densely so that no space existed.

     One of the elders in the room asked me if I understood the nature of turquoise energy. I was granted an awareness of the way green and blue interact. In terms of chakra, this vision was about the communication (blue, throat) of that which is found in heart-space (green).

    The visual of a muscle is one of strength and power.      

    This alignment is a reminder of the importance of speaking our truth, and sharing our emotional realities. It is in this conversation that we are able feel connected with the Universal Human Experience.

     I drew a silver web over the body, to hold and preserve it. I smoothed out all the pleats and buckles, and allowed it to shine, the silverradiated the turquoise from beneath, insisting on being visible.

     The questioning teacher volunteered to remain with this alignment, and to facilitate access for any who come to this place to be immersed in this knowing.

I offered my thanks and returned to my own time and space.

This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. Whenever you choose to visit or revisit it, request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 25 December,2018. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 29January, 2019 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 27 November, 2018

As I readied myself for this alignment, I carried a candle with an intention to bring light into any darkness that might exist in myself or my work area.

I breathed into my core, and found a place of rhythmic stillness where I felt whole and present and open.

I sensed the presence of many benign energies, which I labelled spirit-guides, guardians and unseen healers. I invited them to remain to oversee the energetic alignment, and I asked all those who did not need to be present to leave our work and go where their presence would benefit.

saw myself seated at the side of a human figure lying on a massage table. The head was at my left, and I was in easy reach of it.

I raised my hands to my left, and drew light through the figure. It flowed in at the crown, white and bright, and I was able to pull it into the entire body, which then glowed softly.

returned my attention to the crown, and raked my fingers down the body, fetching more light which had now divided into strands.

As I repeated the motion, I saw that the light had separated into even finer strands, and was shifting in colour into vivid hues.

The entire body took on the appearance of a dyed wig, or bright long hairdo cascading from my left to my right, and out of my line of sight.

My hands and fingers continued to comb the accessible area, then withdrew to the surface and stroked. 

I felt surprise at how few tangles or knots I had found, and was told that alignment is always present, and that snarls and complications are most often of our own making. 

sat with this truth for a few moments feeling serene, my hands resting at the surface of the immaculate, shiny hair. As I prepared to move, I thanked the Unseen presences, and was assured that this alignment, with its calm atmosphere, would be curated for any Seekers who came to the experience.

This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. Whenever you choose to visit or revisit it, request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on27 November2018. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 2December, 2018 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 30 October, 2018

Before initiating this alignment, I cleansed my space by carrying a burning joss stick around the area, and allowing the smoke to permeate the corners from floor to ceiling, and criss crossing the space and the furnishings, letting the smoke trail as it wanted.

I invited whichever ancestors, teachers and guides were available and willing to attend, and asked that any energies which were present without an intention to serve the Highest Good of all members of this community to return to Source for assignment elsewhere.

settled into my position at the side of the envisioned client, and breathed into my core, centring myself, and allowing energy to flow through me, from my crown to my hands, and out.

pictured the figure before me representing everyone, present and future, who may come to experience this session. The person reclined, with the head at my left.

I placed my hands on the torso of the figure, and felt them descend gentlythrough into a soft and receptive environment. It was warm, like a human body temperature, and somewhat damp. The texture was like the tapioca pudding of my childhood: a mass of tiny gelatinous spheres. I felt welcomed, there was no sense of causing injury or hurt in any way.

I was given the understanding that the spheres represented potential energies, not like tapioca but like frogspawn. 

Each tiny individual bead carried the possibility of great accomplishment.

I asked how the potential could be realized, and as the word “Intention” sounded in my mind the spheres transformed and grew to the size of hen’s egg yolks.

Awareness of our Inner Greatness is enough to move us towards the achievements for which we entered the Human Condition. 

I sat with this knowledge, and felt grateful that I should be entrusted with such wisdom. I thanked all the entities who were present, and some agreed to remain with the session, to facilitate access for any visitors who chose it. 

This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. Whenever you choose to visit or revisit it, request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 30 October 2018.Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 2November, 2018 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 25 September, 2018

     To prepare my space for this alignment, I used a feather to stir up stagnant energies around the room, especially the corners and angles where the walls meet the floor and ceiling.

     I then rang a small glass bell to raise the vibration of any energy that remained.

     I invited any spirits, guides, teachers and guardians to attend and provide direction that would serve the community in general and any individuals in need of specific care. I suggested that any who were not present to serve the Highest Good of all concerned should depart and seek reassignment.

     I rang the bell again, and settled into the moment.

     In front of me I envisioned my Universal client, lying on the massage table, I was located at the side with the client’s head to my left. 

     I raised my hands, and felt energy flowing from my palms, it was like cool water, touching my hands as it went by, and I watched as it coagulated in front of me, filling the shape of the client. When the flow stopped, the surface of the body appeared dense and solid like beef. It was a brown-red colour, and smooth: I was reminded of liver.

   As I continued to manipulate the space above it, the liver appearance shifted. My hands no longer felt water flow, but something more sporadic and piecemeal, the energy passing through me was like grains of rice or wheat. This new flow did not pile on top of the shape, but melded into it, vanishing.

   I concentrated my attention at the head on my left, and was please to see it glowing as from an interior light. White light shone from the entire skull, and as I moved my attention down into the neck and chest, the light followed. 

     There was a pink glow from the ribcage, while the rest of the body glowed with white light with a slight blue tinge. 

     Once it was all illuminated, I swept my hands from head to toe and watched the body levitate above the table. I recognized that it is the light of Spirit that moves us from the density of our physical existence into the levity of Soul Expansion.

     I thanked everyone who was present, and especially the individuals who agreed to remain with this event, in order to keep it unchanged, and to facilitate future visits.

     This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. Whenever you choose to visit or revisit it, request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 25 September 2018. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 30 October, 2018 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time

 On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 28 August, 2018

This alignment was conducted in a space I had not used before. I made a particular effort to clear all the stale old energies from it. I rang a metal bell in the corners of the floor and at a height in order to shift any stagnation at the ceiling level.

I invited all of the guides and teachers who were willing to attend, and then I suggested that any were not part of the plan for the greater good should depart and return to Source.

I thanked all those who remained, and received a wave of physical warmth over my body in response to that.

I used my hands to trace the shape of a human body in front of me. This figure was a proxy for members of the community,  present in the moment or visiting from another part of the timeline.

I closed my eyes and allowed myself to see the shape and size of the person. I saw that it was glowing light from deep within itself, and that the skin moved with dancing colours. 

When I looked closer, I could discern tiny pictures, like characters from childhood cartoon programmes. All over the skin they were dancing and moving and jostling for space. There were hundreds, possibly thousands of them, each unique and each intent on having a prominent position in the group.

I moved to the head of the body, and streamed Reiki energy through the crown and into the chakras. The glowing light was increased a little, and the movement of the characters became  slightly synchronized. Now the entire surface of the figure danced smoothly and flowingly. Every creature had a place and they moved in coordinated rhythm and direction, never staying still, and not remaining in the same place for more than a few seconds.

I was entranced by their multiple colours, and charmed by their grace. I did not understand their purpose.

An ancient male energy among the overseers told me that the minds of children are filled with the images they see. Each cartoon, each idea, each book illustration is stored within that life, and whatever they represent is jockeying for position in the awareness of the individual.

The teacher told me it is possible to edit the stored pictures, and when I used a hand to ‘erase’ what was on one part of the chest, the remaining pictures resettled, still dancing, with more space around them. There was a calmer air to the whole, and I thought to remove more. My hand was stayed by the Wise Ones, who did not support removal from the outside, but counselled that each of us should pay attention and edit our own influences.

I had come to the end of any useful contribution I could make, and so I sealed the field and its aura in a golden bubble, tied at head and feet. The oldest of the entities present agreed that they would remain with the event, and facilitate access to it.

This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. Whenever you choose to visit or revisit it, request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 28 August 2018. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 25 September, 2018 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 31 July, 2018

I cleared my workspace by opening doors and windows and allowing the outdoors to move inside for an hour. It was a warm evening.

I centred my thinking and settled into my core, I invited benign souls to join with me, and suggested that any who did not align with my energy and intention that they return to Source.

I was joined by a large group of Unseen helpers, conduits, teachers and guides, all of them enclosing the space with unconditional love and embracing me, filling me with feelings of safety and purpose. 

I envisioned an adult human in front of me: a depiction of whoever might be present in the moment, and any one accessing this event from any other part of the timeline.

At first I saw only an outline, as though the body was a clear glass or plastic bubble. As I watched, it took on a reddish tone, and then moved and turned. 

At first it turned over from back to front, then the feet and head moved to join together. It lost all semblance of the human form, and became a turning ring. As I watched, the ring grew deeper red and glowed with an internal flame. The outer layer shredded to look feathered, and as it settled into a steady rotation, it twisted again into a torus and a continuous cycle. 

The background grew dark, and the ring stood out in stark contrast, moving steadily in place, the deep scarlet flame interspersed with darker, browner fronds.

I watched for some time, not connecting to any insight. It undulated only slightly, comfortable in itself and totally unthreatening to me.

I consciously requested help to make an interpretation, and received only the word “endlessness”. 

The image of a conscious soul as a feathered, flaming torus suddenly made sense to me. Whatever it is that makes me me, or makes you you, that has no language at this time. Choosing to express itself in this way is a choice I can agree with.

I thanked all those present for being with me, and for their support. Some agreed to stay with the torus in order to reveal it to any and all who come Seeking. 

This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. Whenever you choose to visit or revisit it, request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 31 July2018. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 28 August, 2018 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 26 June, 2018

Before beginning this alignment I sat with my pendulum, clearing the area, swirling stuck energies into movement and inviting any vibration not compatible with the event to return to Source to find a way of serving the highest good of all concerned.

Within the cleared space I discerned the arrival of several ancient teachers and about a dozen particularly loving, caring ancestors.

When I sought the human shape that would personify this community of Seekers, I was granted a view of a perfectly carved human figure made of white quartz. It was a single piece, beautifully worked. The surface shone smoothly.

Doubts flitted across my awareness, concern about working with such solid energy, and I exhaled them loudly.

I raised my hands above the torso of the quartz person, and clearly saw a beam of light joining me to the body. I could not tell where the light originated: in me or in the rock. 

When my hands moved, the light moved. I could take the beam from head to toe, and when I varied the distance from the surface, the light expanded. With my hands high the beam remained narrow and covered only a few square centimetres of the ‘skin’. When I moved closer, the light diffused, and thickened in colour as it spread. The white beam gave way to large patches of yellow and orange tinted light, glowing not only under my hand, but all around it as well.

When I moved to my left and focused on the head of the effigy, I was able to direct a broad beam into the crown chakra. As I did so, the chakras lit up and spun rapidly, wobbling at first, then settling into a steady and coordinated cadence. 

 Although the quartz figure did not alter in any way, the light danced and Spirit was present. I distinguished the truth and the reason for the familiar ancestors. I was being reminded of the inert nature of physicality.

All that we are, as immortal and eternal souls, is non-physical. Without Spirit residing within the physical, there is only stagnant ‘stuff’. 

We are the light of the world.

We are here to shine.     

Several of the ancestors agreed to remain with the energy of this discovery, in order to share it with whomever Seeks it.

This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. Whenever you choose to visit or revisit it, request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 26 June 2018. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

 Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 31 July, 2018 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 28 May, 2018 

This alignment began after I gathered my energy to myself from a very scattered day. As I became centred I could smell ozone and feel the presence of the ocean.

The room filled with teachers, guides and guardians from the Unseen realms. I asked that any who did not belong would please return to Source and allow the alignment to continue smoothly.

The vibration of the room shifted slightly,  and I felt safe and deeply loved.

I placed my attention to the area in front of me, creating a vision of a human figure reclining. The head was at my left. The shape represented a collection that included each individual who was present, and any who might visit from other times. 

I closed my eyes and reached out above the figure, I felt a breeze and as I looked again, I saw that the ‘body’ was made of water, moving rhythmically in waves: a sea in human form.

My presence and effort made no change in the frequency of the waves: they beat with regularity and were impossible for me to change.  I could hear sounds of waves on ricks, and the screeches and squawks of birds. 

Together, these impressions drew me into a place of serenity and relaxation. I stopped trying to change anything, and realized that the massive powers of wind and ocean would continue with their own destiny. I felt a call to cease struggling or attempting to alter reality.

 The body of water heaved and calmed, the waves travelling from the edges to the centre. The waves at the centre echoed my breathing, and I knew myself as a part of the great elements, not the other way around.

As I released all my inclinations to adjust or manipulate what I could see, my whole field perceived a glow like water in the sunset. There were pinks and oranges and yellows, even a little deep red at the outer edges: all the colours of the chakras up to the heart.

The energy aligned into knowledge of the physical realm having an aspect of inevitability that is beyond our human ability to change. There was calm in this, and permission to stop struggling against physical facts.

I thanked the guides in the room, and some agreed to remain with this experience in order to assist Seekers from other times to access it. 

This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. Whenever you choose to visit or revisit it, request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 28 May 2018. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be. 

    Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 26 June, 2018 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 30 April, 2018

Before starting this alignment, I cleansed the room with Sandalwood Incense and ringing a small brass bell.  As I centred my energy, I was greeted by the presence of a group of ancestors, grandmothers and older women.  I suggested that any energy that did not serve the highest good of the moment should retire and find a new assignment. The atmosphere was warm and strong.

As I visualized my EveryPerson image in front of me, I saw a pile of rectangular stones, smaller than bricks, and just as sharp-edged, in colours ranging from sandy yellow through clay-red and mottled black granite. The arrangement was disorganized: it was like heap of oversized toy blocks. 

As I moved my attention over the jutting angular corners of the blocks, they settled down into two flatter layers, interspersed with spaces, on one top of the other.

Individual blocks in the base band were oriented with their long side near me, running head to foot of the figure I envisioned. On the upper layer they were at right angles. My hands moved above them, and they shuffled into gaps, sliding gracefully, finding exact fit.

Once the body was coherent, all separation disappeared, and the shape was a single entity.

The grandmothers reminded me that all of life is reflected in this concept. No matter how different and unique we perceive someone to be, they remain a part of the unified whole which is the family of the planet. This is why these alignments have an impact. Attendees, in whichever time they choose, can and do benefit from this knowledge.

I thanked all who were present, and some volunteered to remain with this energy to curate delivery in other parts of the timeline.

This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. Whenever you choose to visit or revisit it, request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 30 April 2018. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be. 

    Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 28 May, 2018 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 27 March, 2018

I prepared for this alignment by sounding a small bell and waiting for the vibrations to permeate every corner of the room.  

I welcomed any ancestors, teachers and guides who were drawn to attend, and felt the presence of many. I then invited any whose presence was not necessary to return to the Unseen for reassignment, and the energy shifted to pure love.  

In front of me, I drew a shape to represent every-individual who will benefit from this alignment. As my hands extended to indicate a prone human, the area between my hands filled with shockingly white light.

The sensation was of seeing a block of light on a table, it was self-contained and very bright. I moved my hands again, and saw that within the block, there was a human figure. 

I was reminded of the quote from Michelangelo Buonarroti, that  “The sculpture is already complete within the marble block, before I start my work. It is already there, I just have to chisel away the superfluous material.”   

I connected to the idea that each individual is always within The Light of Source, and is carved from that Light in order to enjoy the human Experience.

  As I gestured with my hands in the way I do during an alignment, the block reduced its bulk and showed more details of the human body. It remained fully a being of light, an illustration of the energetic vibration outside my usual perception of things physical.

     I recognized that the Light Body cannot be out of alignment, and I allowed it to simply be.

I thanked the guides and guardians for being present. Some of them chose to remain with this event, and to greet and accompany all those who visit this place.

   This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. Whenever you choose to visit or revisit it, request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 27 March 2018. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be. 

    Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 30 April, 2018 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 27th February, 2018

I prepared for this alignment by filling my space with sandalwood incense and the sound of a small brass bell. The temperature was low, and the room felt fresh. 

I centered myself and sat quietly with my hands held palms together. My breath was deep and even and I was very aware of the rhythm of it, and the cycle of inhale and exhale, and the movement of my ribs and lungs.

I felt the arrival of a group of teachers and guides, and I welcomed those who were intended to be present. I requested that the others return to Source energy for another role. 

In front of me I visualised the shape of Every-Client which would represent every attendee and every reader of these notes, regardless of their place in linear time.

I made the appropriate Reiki symbols, and allowed Reiki energy to flow through me into the shape. As I observed it, I noticed that it was made of fabric pieces that were draped on top of each other, overlapping. They were not sewn, and had no defined shape, forming themselves into the contours of what lay beneath.

          I applied energy, and made motions of deliberate shaping and sewing. As I did so, the textiles moved and changed. They found order and organisation, they became patchwork, like an intricate quilt. 

I saw the beauty of it, and asked for deeper wisdom from the guides who were there.

They shared the information that any human life is multiple experiences which are then overlaid by further experiences. Consciousness, is the organising force which is able to transform experience into the beautiful substance of Soul Growth. 

I thanked them all for being present, and they designated several to remain and oversee this event on the Unseen plane.

  This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. Whenever you choose to visit or revisit it, request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 27th February 2018. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be. 

    Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 27th March, 2018 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 30th January, 2018

    To prepare my space for this alignment, I rang brass bells into the corners of the room. As the vibrations settled away, I sat with a pair of tingsha bells and filled the space with high frequency.
    I grew aware of a group of high frequency entities present: ancestors and teachers and protectors for different community members. I suggested that any presences who had no immediate and positive reason to be present should return to Source and be reassigned.
    The room felt clear and bright.
    In front of me was the image of a client. Reclining, with the head at my left, it was shadowy at first. As I breathed into my centre and became still, I saw the ‘body’ was clear like window glass, and glowing from within, a pale, weak yellow light.
    I held my hands above the figure, wanting to intensify the light within it. Instead, I became aware that the inner surface of the outline was grimy and dark. There was a thin layer of soot-like particles on every part of the surface, and I applies myself to wiping it away with circular motions.
    Gradually I cleared the soot away, and the feeble light grew slightly brighter. I was still motivated to increase the glow, and I moved to the head of the figure and place my hands by the scalp in order to direct energy into the chakras.   For a few moments there was little change, and then suddenly, with the whoosh that a gas stove burner gives when it ignites, the seven chakras burst into full colour and shone with blinding radiance.
         I breathed into the crown, and the colours held, gleaming and strong. The experience of this is of balance and power. It is an allowing of Unseen energy to animate every part of body and life. This shows a picture of harmonious integration.
  I moved to the feet, and drew a clear envelope over the whole, careful not to interrupt the spinning and glowing of the chakra wheels. I enclosed the entire field, and created a closure in my hands, twisting and tying it off. The heat from my palms melted away the surplus, and I left only a smooth, transparent bubble without seams or wrinkles.
    I thanked all the Elders for remaining with me. Volunteers agreed to stay with this experience, in order for it to be accessible to visitors.
    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. Whenever you choose to visit or revisit it, request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 30th January 2018. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
    Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 27th February, 2018 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time.
On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 26th December, 2017

    I lit candles and incense to calm the atmosphere into this alignment. I cleared the many presences that had been nearby over the last weeks, and invited all unnecessary vibrations to return to Source.
    I then welcomed the presence of those guides and guardians who had business with the alignment, and I settled myself into their protective loving kindness.
    I focused my attention on a vision of a client in front of me, the head at the left, and I coordinated my breathing to the slow and relaxed pace that I detected there.
     The figure in front of me was lighted from within, yet there was no defined pattern or colour. There were splotches and blots, dark against light, without recognizable features.
    I inhaled deeply and moved my hands above the light-form. The blotches moved and rippled, and over the next few minutes I watched and stroked them as they slowly organized themselves into spots.
    I felt serene.
    The room had taken on a quality of warmth and comfort. The air was and heavy dense without being burdensome. My breathing was deep and unrestricted, as I grew aware of a benign animal presence.
    I felt the weight of a large creature, and the surface of my vision had transformed to leopard spots.
    Leopard energy is hunting energy. This is a spirit which supports and assists whatever quest may be next. Leopard says that the pursuit must be undertaken with singlemindedness; that success will be achieved when the hunter connects to the stealth and desire within. Every skill, and all the wisdom they need is already present.
    I placed a field of bright light around the Leopard Energy, sealing it at the tail end. I wrapped the whole in golden strands to match the animal itself, and they took on a luminescence which filled the room. 

    The Teachers and Guides who were present applauded. They embraced the hunting energy, and urged all of us to set out on our quests, individually and in groups.
    I thanked them all for being present, and they designated two among them who will remain with this event on the Unseen plane.
      This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. Whenever you choose to visit or revisit it, request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 28th November 2017. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
    Next Energy Alignment:
Tuesday, 30th January, 2018 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 28th November, 2017

          As I prepared for this alignment, I lighted an incense cone, and filled the space with the aroma of sandalwood.

          I invited in whichever guardians, teachers, guides and ancestors wanted to be present, and I suggested that any presences who were not vital should return to the Unseen in order to work for the highest good of all humanity.

          I closed my eyes and shifted my attention into a working space where a client was on the table in front of me. I was at the side, with the head to my left.

          I slowed my breathing, and centred my energy into the very depths of my torso. I held up my hands, and felt a surge of warmth pass through me into my palms. As I directed that heat towards the client, it became light, and I could see very clearly the details that were present.

          The vision was not of a human body, but of broken pieces like the shells of nuts: peanuts, almonds, and especially hazelnuts.

The pile of these shells was dense, the tiny parts interlocked. Together they maintained the human shape I could detect.

          I moved my hands above this vision, and each section was illuminated as I passed over it. At the feet I saw walnut shells, very round and strong despite their empty, broken state. As I flowed energy into them, they softened into something like thick nut butter.

          I worked my way very slowly towards the 'head'. As the light and heat were soaked up by the shells, they were transmuted into compact sludge. It was neither solid nor liquid, and it held its shape. It remained pale and brown like the husks of the nuts.

          Once the entire body was transformed, I moved to the crown, and directed the light from my hands into the central spine. The figure glowed. As the moments passed it grew shiny, and the brown deepened into a glowing shade of chestnut.

          I felt a sense of completion. The task had been accomplished. While I could grasp no interpretation for this vision, I knew that my time with it was over.  

          I mentally reached out to the elders for clarity, and I was told tat all was well. Some of them agreed to remain with this event, and guide whosoever might visit from another time. I thanked them all for their participation, and I returned my attention to my own space.

    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. Whenever you choose to visit or revisit it, request that Spirit transport you into the energetic realms at that moment on 28th November 2017. Summon the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
    Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 26th December, 2017 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 31st October 2017


          To create the energetic vibration I was seeking, I invited in the Unseen partners of all members of this community present and future.

          I was greeted by a limitless array of power signatures, and energies which transmitted themselves as large and small, young and old, human and non-human. In every case they were motivated by unconditional love for all of humanity, and they applauded the efforts of each of us who is working to integrate Spiritual truth into Human daily life.

          I suggested that if any energies were present in error, they should return whence they came, and prepare to serve the greatest good of which they are capable.

          I breathed into my centre, and felt enveloped by the positivity in the room. I wallowed in that feeling for a few moments, tears spilling form my eyes as I connected to the profound depth of the love which surrounds and supports me.

          When I was ready, I observed in front of me a black chalkboard, oddly three-dimensional, and shaped like a human adult.

          It had been written and rewritten on with white chalk, so that it was almost grey. It was dusty, and the figures on it were mostly incomprehensible.

          Lines of digits appeared to have been written in every direction, over each other and in complete disregard for any reader. There were strings of letters and numbers which might be equations, and some included symbols which were not recognizable to me.

          As I leaned forward in an attempt to see them all, I discovered myself holding a damp cloth. I suddenly had the ability to wash away the confusion -- to wipe the slate clean -- yet I did not.


        I breathed into the field of this individual, and chose to permit only self-directed and self-determined erasures. I place the cloth into the right hand, which was nearest to me, and I gave no instructions and offered no advice. I turned my back.

          I felt reminded of the truth that I have no permission to impose my concept of comprehension or legibility on any other being. I knew that if I am to wash away any old scripts they will be my own.

          I selected this moment to honour the chalk marks and all that they communicate, whether or not they hold messages for me.

          I sealed the form into an air-filled membrane that could not smudge the writing. I coloured it blue. The companion entities applauded and as I felt another wave of astounding love for me I knew that the same depth of feeling is extended to each and every one of us from that place beyond our view.

          I prepared to leave, thanking all those present, and some agreed to remain in position to unlock the vision for any visitor who might ask to see it.

This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on 31st October 2017, Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
    Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 28th November, 2017 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 26th September 2017 

          I enter into a meditative state, and greet the many Unseen presences that are evident to me. I invite those who need not attend to leave, now. The others I thank, and call to gather closely around me, letting me benefit from the energy they emit. I feel bathed in compassion and deep love, I know that they approve of me and my work, I know that I am fulfilling my intentions in all that I do, and that these entities have agreed, and even contracted, to be with me in this time.

          The space in front of me that is usually a separate and clearly human form is a flowing stream of water, connected to a greater flow of time and space. It is only slightly shaped like a person. There are rocks and sand, there is algae growing, and the flow does not stop.

          My understanding of my next step is unclear.  I pause and listen to the water as it gurgles along. I feel I can hear as one note moves towards and past and away from me, that each water drop, each moment is complete in itself.

          I breathe deeply, letting the cold invisible water mist enter into my body, and I know that I am only one in a vast flow of life on the planet. I know also that I am as profoundly important as every other one.

          I smile at this thought, and the sound of the water changes. When I look, I see that it is flowing less rapidly, and as I watch it slows further.


         I am not amazed by this, as I would be in the physical world, I am interested, and anticipating what happens next, which is that the water stops moving.

          It pauses, still liquid and unfrozen, it stops. It is shiny like glass, not quite transparent because of the folds and ripples where the flow is recorded.

          I want to touch it, and I understand that when I do so, the motion will resume, so instead I peer at it and into it, trying to absorb every detail of its nature.

          It is weighty and dense. The daylight dances on its facets, and as I move myself, I see the sparkles blink and change. I am observing something so brief and miraculous and temporary that I can scarcely contain my delight. I want everyone, everywhere, to see this astonishing and fleeting sight which is both eternal and unstable. This is a portrait of Now.

          I wrap the moment in white light in order to preserve it for myself and others. I know that the flow will slow and stop for me when I am in need of that step out of time. I feel deeply grateful.

          I thank my Unseen companions, and leave them in place to conserve the experience for whoever desires it.

    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on 26th September 2017, Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
    Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 31st October 2017, at 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 29th August, 2017

While I was preparing for this alignment, I was aware of thickness in the air.  I lighted a couple of candles, and struck my small gong in an attempt to remove whatever heaviness had accumulated.

I invited whatever spirits and guides wanted to take part, and suggested that those without a specific and positive connexion to the group should return to Source for assignment to serve the greatest good.

The air had thinned, and there was a scent of lemons for no physical reason.

I breathed deeply, feeling the lemon enter into me, and I exhaled yellow light, which illuminated the form in front of me.

I saw that internal lights were jumbled and mixed, and as I passed my hands down the length of the spine, they began to resolve into the predictable colours of the chakras.

When I focused at the crown of the head on my left, I saw the red of the root chakra glow at the base of the spine to my right.

My actions reflected in this way, my hands sending energy in a way that did not comply with physical expectations, yet feeling very natural and correct. My hands at the Third Eye brought forth an orange glow in the sacral region. When I stimulated the throat chakra, I was rewarded with bright lemon yellow at the solar plexus, and when I moved into the heartspace, the glowing, growing green of the heartspace shone into the entire room.

I moved down the body, and watched the blue light of the throat chakra and the violet of the Third Eye shimmer and sparkle with inner light.

Finally I stood up and changed the angle of my hands, becoming able to draw the bright white light of the crown down through the entire system, and as it rooted into the red, the whole body glowed with rich golden light.

I felt that whatever confusion had been present was now untangled.

I sealed the vision into a capsule of green, heart-space colour, because the heart, and the love it gives and receives, illuminates the very essence of human life, and how we are intended to relate to each other.

Several ancient masters agreed to remain with this alignment, and provide access to it for any visitors from any timeline.

I thanked them all for being with me, and with the event: the room glowed with a silver-green radiance left by those who were leaving.

    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on 29th August, 2017, Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
    Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 26th September, 2017 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 25th July, 2017 


For this alignment I lit sandalwood incense and cleansed my workspace with the aromatic smoke.

I cleared the area of all distraction, and rang a brass bell to raise the vibration.

I then invited my guides, and those who watch over community members, to join me for the session. I asked all other presences who had no connexion to the community to return to Source for reassignment.

I breathed deeply and found my centre, where I was able to focus on the person who appeared to be lying in front of me. I was at the side, and the head was to my left.

I was able to move my hands through the energetic aura that surrounded it. There was a density and thickness to the field, and as I moved my hands through it I became aware of a smell that reminded me of the forest floor: earthy and dark and thick.

 I began to comb the energy with my fingers, feeling and releasing resistance, as though it was knotted and tangled like wet hair. It responded instantly to my touch, and smoothed into a thick flow that my hands enjoyed moving.

As the strands aligned in front of me, running from the head to the feet of the form I could see, they sank into and came to include the body below. Soon the whole field of my vision was warm, flowing strands, smelling of peat and loam.

I paused in my motions, and allowed white light to flow from my palms. Immediately fungus sprouted everywhere. There was nothing, and then there was a crop, thick and getting taller, spores wafting away and more blooms popping up.

I gathered the guides and teachers to share with me the vision of the dissemination of knowledge and wisdom and even of Love. When all the preparation is made, blossoming is inevitable, and beautiful.

Guardian spirits agreed to remain in place to offer this alignment to any students and visitors who seek it. I thanked them all, and left the area enclosed in a see-through green wrapping.


    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on 25th July, 2017, Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
    Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 29th August, 2017 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 27th June, 2017

As I prepared my workspace for this alignment, I was very aware of the Unseen powers that were with me.  I sensed powerful animal spirits, and teachers and guides who were filled with compassion for this community and the members who are present now and in the future.

I felt movement, like the flow of a river, passing through my body and continuing forward in time.

I asked that any energy present without purpose should leave, and I settled into myself, getting grounded through breath and slowing my thinking to a quiet and receptive state.

Although I felt very safe and comfortable, I also felt an aspect of cold and hardness.

I envisioned square cut rocks, placed together to create walls and buildings. I recognized historic sites and the mill on the edge of a river.

The mill became the human shape in front of me, and there were waves of Love crashing into it from the energetic dimension, in the way that a flowing river interacts with the water wheel which drives a mill.

For several minutes I simply watched this spectacle. I saw wheels covering the body, and the water / love moved them all, at different speeds and in different directions, and yet always powered by the unending supply of Love from an Unseen Source.

I did not seek any secret or hidden meaning from this vision. It felt easy to interpret that the incoming, and entirely unconditional, energy that is the Love of Source is what moves us all forward, in all aspects of life and learning and growth and relationships.

Love moves though each of us, just as water moves through a mill. It matters not at all whether this is a lumber mill or a textile mill or a flour mill. Once we have arrived in the Human Experience and selected our role, Source will power us with all the love we can possible need.

I shifted the figure in front of me, to allow the energetic flow to move unhindered down the spinal column, activating the chakras, and aligning everything in its path.

When I closed the vision, I enclosed it in a clear silver bubble which contains and does not divert the natural order.

The entities with me bubbled like water foam, and some agreed to remain present to guide whoever might visit from another time. I offered my own flow of gratitude and it was absorbed into the event.


    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on 27th June, 2017, Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
    Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 25th July, 2017 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 30th May, 2017 

Even before I began this alignment, I felt the presence of ancestors, guides and guardians surrounding me in all ways. I sensed goodwill and caring from all corners. Despite the good energy, I suggested that any who did not belong should return to their original place. I was not aware of any departures.


I closed my eyes and shifted into a state of calm meditation, I felt a green light fill my Third Eye and the front of my brain and I felt profoundly loved.

When I reopened my eyes, I could see a bright, multi-coloured cloud in front of me. It was long from left to right, and soon resolved into the human shape I was expecting.

Although the colours were all mixed up, they were in no way diluted. As I focused I came to recognize small plastic sphere, or balls from a playground ball-pit. Each was whole and complete, and as I moved my attention towards them, they grew smaller.

There was no suggestion of moving them or sorting them by colour or size: their strength is in their diversity.

I felt a message about the modular and molecular nature of our human bodies. I saw that each ball has a role in the whole, and yet it is also easily removed and replaced. I was newly aware that physical healing is an exercise in replacing old cells with new ones. This is true when our skin closes a paper cut, it is also true when our antibodies battle infection. If a body is a ball pit, then some balls are removed in order for new ones to arrive. Simple.

I closed the vision onto a golden bubble of light, anchoring the membrane with one of the balls.

I had no reason to add more information, and so I addressed the elders and teachers and thanked them for being with me and this community as always.

Some of them remained with the event in order to allow access in the future.


This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on 30th May 2017, Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
    Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 27th June, 2017 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 25th April, 2017

As I made preparations for this alignment, I called on all the guides, teachers and ancestors who reside in the Unseen realm to join with the community and preside over the teachings.

I felt the workspace filled with energy. I invited all entities without a clear role, to depart and relocate in order to serve the highest good of all involved. The entities present were benign and gentle, they were delighted with the invitation to be part of this process.

I used my breath to root me to my place, feeling centred and connected.

I visualized a human form in front of me; I was standing beside the hips, with the head to my left.

The figure was not fully in focus, and as I called for clarity I realized that it was made of something crumpled and jagged. There were no bright colours, it was faded and grey.

I reached forward into the grey in an attempt to discern the nature of the substance. I found it to be dry and not resisting. It was a collection of crumpled paper with writing and printing on the sheets. I felt called to unfold and unscrew them, and restore their flatness in order to know what was written.

There were long sheets of legal paper, and tiny scraps like cookie fortunes, and every size and shape in between.

As I smoothed them out they remained within the shape in front of me, and I understood that they represented the wisdom and intentions that had travelled into the Human Experience with each and every one of us.
There was no single writing that applied to everyone, and ever on applied to someone. There were wishes and desires, and offers of sacrifice, and willingness to endure hardship in order to teach others.

There was poetry about the beauty of the physical world and there were pages of smears and smudges, where tears had erased the original message.

As the stacks of flat paper reformed in front of me, I was clear about the teaching that intentions guide our lives, that each of us is on an individual and directed path, and that none of us is alone.

I patted the piles so that they could remain neat, and I sealed them in an envelope of glowing light, with just a tinge of blue.

 I thanked all of the Unseen presences for being with us, and some agreed to remain in place to facilitate access for anyone who visits it.
    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on 25th April 2017, Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
    Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 30th May, 2017 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 28th March, 2017

I prepared for this event by calling in my Unseen supporters: the guides and guardians who are always with me. Then I invited the ancestors and powerful spirits who are with members of this community, and they responded with immediate presence.

I cleared away the energies that were stagnant in my workspace, and asked all vibrations that were not necessary for the alignment to return to Source for reassignment. The area then felt light and clean with a soft blue glow.

I visualized a single human body in front of me, representing each individual who will experience this alignment. As it came into focus I saw that it was not an integrated shape, but a collection of small, multi-coloured components, each one like a tiny party balloon.

 I moved closer and ran my hands over the figure, feeling resistance from the latex-like surface. As my body heat came into contact with the balloons, some of them shrank, and others expanded. It appeared that they could exchange volume, and the sizes became first varied, and then evened out. There were fewer balloons now, each one larger than the previous.

I repeated my movements, and asked for understanding. I was given the idea that each life is made up of the experience of each, tiny moment. I understood that this was a message about mindfulness - noticing and appreciating every Now. It was also an illustration of how every experience and conversation and relationship becomes absorbed into our larger identity.

As this concept became clear in my mind, the figure in front of me lost its fragmented appearance, and all the parts fused into the single individual that I had planned to envision at the start.

On the emotional plane, I was deeply moved by this revelation, and tears flowed from my eyes. I was not sad and not joyous -- they were the tears that I have, in the past, labeled 'the presence of Spirit.' I understood that the message was so profoundly important that I could not interpret it into words.

I drew an enclosure around the vision. It glowed blue and startlingly bright. I sealed it, and thanked the teachers and guides for remaining with me. They readily agreed to stay with this alignment, and provide access and guidance to all who visit it.
    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to attend, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on 28th March 2017, Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
    Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 25th April, 2017 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 28th February, 2017

In preparation for this alignment, I called on all the Unseen power- animals, guides, teachers and ancestors who reside in the energetic plane and oversee the members of this community, present and future.

My workspace was thick with the energy of many presences, and while I felt only kindness and goodwill, I did invite any who did not belong directly to this event to leave, and accept reassignment in order to serve the highest good.

I visualized a human form in front of me, and breathed myself into a space of connexion.
My first impression was of texture, cool and damp, like the inside of a plum. As my hands moved through this sensation, they became chilled.  The substance was dense and moving through it was not easy.
I began to think of it as stewed fruit: chunky and weighty. I felt an impulse to transmit warmth from my body mood into the heavy liquid. I sent heat through my skin and breath and intention, and as I did the fruit softened and became more liquid. It was easier to navigate, smoother and still mostly cold.
I was given the thought that there are many areas of life which have matured like fruit, and yet are left, neglected and cold. People reading this have any number of incomplete projects they are not tending to. This is about self-expression losing its place as a priority, and the message today is to start to pay attention to the talents that remain carelessly overlooked.
I swirled my hands through the soupy space in front of me, and with the thought of finding direction and moving forward, the liquid gathered into broad strands of strong rope. The human shape in front of me was suddenly a bundle of thick rope, and thinner rope, every fiber being oriented from head to foot. The entire physical body became a route from the energy above into the earth below.
I passed my hands down the strings, feeling their insistent directional pull. I sealed the vision, letting it stay restful.
I thanked the teachers and guides who were present, and my vision of them was also directional and coarse. They, too, exist to connect Energy to Earth. They agreed to remain in place guard this lesson for any who visit it.
    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on 28th February 2017, Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
    Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 28th March, 2017 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

I swirled my hands through the soupy space in front of me, and with the thought of finding direction and moving forward, the liquid gathered into broad strands of strong rope. The human shape in front of me was suddenly a bundle of thick rope, and thinner rope, every fiber being oriented from head to foot. The entire physical body became a route from the energy above into the earth below.
I passed my hands down the strings, feeling their insistent directional pull. I sealed the vision, letting it stay restful.
I thanked the teachers and guides who were present, and my vision of them was also directional and coarse. They, too, exist to connect Energy to Earth. They agreed to remain in place guard this lesson for any who visit it.
    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on 28th February 2017, Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
    Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 28th March, 2017 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, 31st January, 2017

To prepare for this alignment, I called on the guides, spirits and teachers who were present in the Unseen realm to join with me, to play a role in the alignment, and to remain with it as a liaison with anyone who wishes to experience it at any time in the present or the future.

I felt the room filled with the benign energy of many entities, and I suggested that any who did not belong should return to Source in order to be reassigned to serve the greatest good.

I prepared my space by visualizing a human form, prone in front of me. I moved to the side of it, and saw that it was composed of plant material, like brown autumn leaves.

As I moved my hands above the form, the leaves rustled and moved. Some were loose enough to drift away and disappear. As I continued, more leaves floated off. Underneath there was a suggestion of an oblong area of glowing white bubbles.

    I moved more of the crusty foliage, and as it evaporated, the light below it took on features like bubbles. The colour fluctuated along the visible spectrum, each shade showing pale, gaining intensity and then fading again as the next one appeared.
     I observed the cycle of colours, and noticed that the lighted area was slowly reducing, concentrating the darkness of colour as it did.
    When the glow was about the size of a human spine, the rippling stopped and was replaced with a snappy, lightening-like light.
     I stood and watched as it expanded, finally filling out the form of an adult human. All of it crackled with the energy of the light.
      I sealed a large membrane around the form, and breathed several deep exhalations of gratitude into it.
      I thanked the company who had remained by my side, and some of them agreed to facilitate the experience for those who visit from a distance.
    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on 31st January 2017, Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
    Next Energy Alignment:Tuesday, 27th February, 2017 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time.
On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

    To prepare for this alignment, I moved some furniture and opened a window. I elected a window facing East, anticipating the next dawn and the many new beginnings that surround us at this time.
     As always, I invited into the space all the guides and energies who had intention and reason to be present. I suggested that those without a positive contribution should return to Source for reassignment.
    The room was crowded with benevolent energy. There was love and caring for everyone who will ever access this alignment, and an unconditional acceptance of how each individual is conducting life. I felt warmth and closeness.
    I summoned a vision of a human form to embody this community, and I stood to the side, with the head at my left.
    In the beginning the form was indistinct, as though gathering itself from falling snowflakes or tiny molecules of physical matter. It took a few minutes to fully coalesce.
    Even when the shape was filled out it did not appear solid. It was a jumble of tiny shapes which came into focus as little cubes and squares, jostling against each other.
     They were pale, like the noodles in alphabet soup, and about the same size. They did not have the soft and yielding texture of cooked noodles, they were sharp and cutting and uncomfortable.
    I tried to transmit a wave of love and acceptance to them, thinking it might help them to smooth out. I found that I could not. I asked the others present to join me, and they not only breathed profound love into the shape, they also surrounded it, and me, in a blaze of golden light so bright that I closed my eyes to protect them.
[Image shows an infinity symbol, a horizontal figure eight, made up of multiple tiny heart shapes in rainbow colours]

    I could hear a whispery rushing sound, like leaves in a breeze, or distant ocean waves. I luxuriated in the good-feeling of it.
     When the moment felt complete, I opened my eyes and saw that the particles in my vision had been transformed from angular to curved: I saw figure eights everywhere, and they were not static. They were flowing, gently and without effort, always arriving where they wanted to be, and moving on again.
    I felt calm and content. There was no reason to strive or work or force any issues. All needs were being met, and I felt reassured that this is a Cosmic Truth that plays out in our own lives when we allow it.
    I drew an outer layer around the comfortable form, enclosing and sealing without limiting it. I thanked the guides and guardians for their invaluable part in this, and they agreed to remain and preserve this transformative event for everyone, whether real-time attendees or those who visit from other times.
    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on December 27th, 2016, Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
    Next Energy Alignment:Tuesday, 31st January, 2017 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday November  29, 2016

    I surrounded myself with energies promoting ease of flow, connexion, and the Love of Source. I wallowed in an atmosphere that felt thick and supportive.
    I called for individual guides and and teachers, and was greeted, at once, by dozens of individuals. Each of these was connected, in some way, to those humans who will benefit from this alignment experience, whenever they access it.
     I acknowledged the presence of other energies, and invited them to return to Source for reassignment, in order for this event might serve the highest good of everyone involved.
    I designated a work area and formulated a vision of an individual human figure. This human was representative of all humans: without visible attributes of colour or gender or age.    
    The figure took on the appearance of a clear vessel filled with gold and silver glitter, which was slowly shifting, moving in a rhythm similar to deep breaths.
         The colours did not lose their integrity, they remained gold and silver, forming stripes and swirls. For an instant there would be only silver visible, then gold would emerge, making patterns which spread across the shape.
    I called for Cosmic Energy to enter through the crown, and white light began to play through the entire field, inside and around the 'body'. White flashes snapped the air, and rolled and bounced around the room. I felt energized: streaks of silent lightening cracked around me, always completing their existence at the human form.
    The glitter reflected the lights, making the whole area glow and shine.
    I moved my hands to marshal the energy, and concentrate it, guiding it towards the heart chakra. As the mini-lights and sparkles drew together, they did not merge: they remained slightly scattered, looking like the myriad stars in the Milky Way.
    I drew them into the line of the spine, and allowed them to settle in to the chakra channel. Still sparkling, the lights stayed along the 'back' and the entire body showed the presence of a gentle light. It appeared to float slightly above the base on which it rested. The mood in the room lifted into a joyful vibration, and I wanted to laugh.
    I sealed the field with the mirth inside, and asked for Watchers to remain present throughout all time, keeping the event safe and accessible to visitors.
    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on November 29th 2016: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
    Next Energy Alignment:Tuesday, December 27th, 2016 8 p.m. Eastern Time.
On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday October  25, 2016

      While preparing for this alignment session, I called in all of my  guides and thanked them for being present. I then welcomed the many other guides, power animals and guardians who brought their benevolent and protective energies into my work space. I recognized their intention to be liaison with all those who visit this event, which they will preserve and oversee outside of linear time.
    I requested that any energies which were out of place return to Source Love in order to be reassigned to a place where their impact would benefit.
    I designated the space where I would focus, and visualized a human figure to represent each of the many individuals who would attend this alignment from their own positions in time and space.
    The area coalesced into a solid-looking greenish mass, illuminated from within.
    I moved my hands above it, and watched as it undulated slightly, receiving my energy.
    I then narrowed my aim and directed that energy into the Heart Chakra. The entire figure glowed bright emerald green, and I drew the colour into the torso, compacting and concentrating it. The extremities became translucent, and I called White Light to enter.
    Blindingly bright, the light poured into the body through the Crown Chakra. It filled the form, glowing white, surrounding and intensifying the green.

     I moved my attention to the Root Chakra, and as I placed my intention into the light, the Root bloomed with deep, thick crimson.
    I adjusted my position, moving towards the Heart, and observed the colour respond to my presence. The Second Chakra shifted into tangerine luminescence and the Solar Plexus shot out beams of neon yellow, which I calmed and corralled into a small, spinning ball.
    The Heart remained emerald green, and as my hands reached the Throat Chakra I saw some blue-green combination before it was overtaken by a hue slightly richer and darker than electric blue.
    White Light was spilling from the Third Eye, and when I turned my attention to it, I saw it shift into deep, opulent mauve.
    At the Crown Chakra, White Light continued to enter the figure, adding iridescence to the spectrum. At the Crown itself, the Light filled the scalp, it was visible where bone would be, to suggest that it had permeated the brain.
    I shut off the incoming light by closing the flow, and I felt the field sigh with completion. The process felt finished, and I was able to seal the figure into a rainbow bubble, the colours swirling like oil on water.
    I moved my hands over the outside, assuring that there was no place for the light to leak out.
    I expressed gratitude to all the entities which had been present. I placed the vision into a timeless place where it will remain available for anyone to experience.
    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on October 25th 2016: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
    Next Energy Alignment:Tuesday, November 29th, 2016 8 p.m. Eastern Time.
On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday September 27, 2016

    I prepared myself for this alignment by shutting down all distractions, and centering my thinking. I breathed deeply and rhythmically, imagining light pouring into my lungs and filling all the tissues of my body.
    When I felt ready, I welcomed all the presences I could feel around me. As well as my own guides, there were also spirits, ancestors and guardians who were overseeing the alignment for distant attendees.
    I thanked them for being with me, and for agreeing to remain with this event while it is stored outside of linear time.
    I set an intention to receive the teachings that would benefit each and every member of the community. I continued breathing the image of light, feeling my exhalations expand into the space in front of me, shining brightly.
    The light took on the form of a human, and I applied my hands to its crown chakra, letting energy pour through me in a mighty rush.
     The figure glowed white, and when I directed my breath into the crown and down the spine, it rippled through the colours of the seven chakras, a moving rainbow.
     When I stood back, the rippling continued, slowly and evenly lighting the form in waves from head to feet. The spine shone and sparkled, and at the base of it a large red light glowed. The abdomen, still rippling with changing colours, glowed orange under and through the patterns. Then  yellow lit up the solar plexus, and green infused the entire heart space.
    From the throat, a bright blue beam reached out into the room, and the third eye infused the face and skull with violet.   

    I was overtaken by the beauty I was seeing. I felt love flow through me, through my own heartspace, filling the room. The love was Cosmic, it was not mine, it had merely used me as a hollow read in order to reach the physical plane. As I allowed it to flow, incapable of changing anything, it enveloped the rippling rainbow body in front of me.
    I was aware that the love was unconditional, it wanted to be spread as far as it could go. Love streamed and teemed over everything I could see. It embraced me, and each individual represented in front of me. It was available for our families and loved ones; the happy and the sad. Love was thrilled to be allowed to reach old and young; the honest and the deceptive; the sure and the uncertain. No one is excluded by the love that reaches us from Source.
    I was unable to close and seal the vision. The light and love beams could not be contained. When I moved away, I permitted continuation, under the watchful care of the guides and guardians, to whom I gave thanks, again.

    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on September 27th, 2016: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

          Next Energy Alignment Tuesday, 25th October, 2016, at 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, August 30, 2016

     As I prepared for this alignment, I burnt Sandalwood incense, and sounded the small gong that I keep in my workspace.
      I invited whichever guides and benign energies were available for the session, and perceived a great crowd of them filling the area.
      I suggested the departure of any energy present which did not serve the highest good of all members of this community; the remaining entities exuded Source Love.
    I turned my focus to the image of a single individual that I envisioned in front of me. This figure represents each person who experiences this alignment, it is everyone.
    Tonight the figure was dark in colour, and moving slightly, like tidal water. There were gentle lifts and quiet drops as the whole shifted, piece by piece, never losing its integrity as a single being.
    I moved my attention closer, and bent down to see in close-up what substance was in front of me. As I did, I realized that the surface was feathered.
    There was the wondrous rainbow of rich dark greens and deep purples: the shades which black birds display in sunlight. It was beautiful. The area was not smooth like the back or breast of a bird, it was lumpy and bumpy, and still undulating.

     I looked closer, and saw the hummocks as independent presences. Each tiny drop of the moving waves was a tiny black bird. Wings closed and snuggled together into the shape of a human, this flock brought a message to the event.     
    I stood with my hands outstretched, and waited, breathing quietly. The birds shuffled and readjusted themselves. There were a few small flutters and wingflaps; mostly the wings stayed folded. Each bird was closed up, moving with the 'tides' yet not connecting or communicating with its neighbours.
    The mood was soft and somehow isolated. The sense of dozens or hundreds of entities dawned on me. It was not unified energy, it was the energy of multitasking and being several – or many -- things at the same time.
    I came to understand that I was seeing an image of division within a personality. Each bird was some aspect of self and expression, yet none could spread its wings because it was surrounded by so many others.
    I stepped away and invited the small birds to join forces, to find consensus and choose a direction and name a purpose.
    With this permission, there was more movement, less organized, and the tiny birds began to merge, to grow, and then to take space. At no time was the form of the body in front of me stretched or changed, only the contents of it altered.
     As I watched this coming together, I recognized my own distractions in life, and the way that I, like many people, permit the presence of contradictory priorities to coexist in my thinking. I was reminded of the saying that if you try to catch two rabbits, both will escape.
    Spirit was reminding us that despite the multiple demands of daily life, we will accomplish the most, and progress in our growth, when we have a clear purpose.
    Tasks and demands can be reframed to suit and serve a clear direction; no clarity will come from being disjointed and scattered.

    As my hands passed again through the energy field, I perceived a single, beautiful bird, capable of great flights and great heights, and I knew that those who meditate on these images, and those who experience this alignment will also find direction and ultimately success.
    I thanked all the Spirits who had remained present, and sealed this alignment into that designated place where it is stored, in the loving presence of the Unseen, outside of linear time.
    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on August 30th, 2016: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to unfold for you.
    Visit as often as you wish.
    The next Energy Alignment will take place on Tuesday, September 27th, 2016, 8 p.m. Eastern time.
     On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, July 26, 2016

     I prepared for this session by washing my hands in water, and then massaging them in the smoke of Sandalwood incense.
     I allowed the smoke to drift around my workspace, and as it moved towards the ceiling I sent with it my request for support and assistance from the Unseen.
     A team of loving entities moved in, and the space filled with light and warmth. I outlined an area for my community to be represented: a single human form to substitute for each individual, present and future, who might choose to access this event. Those present joined me to encircle this form, creating a container which will safely guard and conserve the energies that were summoned.
     I directed any and all energies without a specific role to vacate the room, and return to Source in order to serve the Greatest Good.
     The community figure was reclining in front of me, and I positioned myself near the right arm. I passed my hand above it, and felt a jagged, rough surface, like children's building blocks, the shape created within corners and pointed edges. I breathed into the field, and discerned multiple colours.

     I called for soothing and smoothing. I sent love into the roughness, accepting the benefits of right-angles, and celebrating their strength.
     The colours faded, and as I moved my attention from the crown chakra down the spine and into the legs, the texture shifted. After nine passes from head to toe I was feeling the smoothness of river rocks or polished stones.
    I was granted the insight that any sleek and polished surface is shaped by the underlying material. I recognized that  human attitudes begin choppy and craggy in childhood. Our worldview develops by osmosis, cobbled from the moods and reactions of other people. We learn from teachings based in history, which may or may not apply to our present.
    From that disheveled and unfinished starting place, we apply time and energy to the development of our mature and adult way of being.
     Intentional reading and study and practice wear away the angles of our ignorance, and we take a place in the flow of time and space, the way stones take their place in the flow of a river.

   I made another pass through the aura of my community figure, permitting loving, learning energy to ripple through me and into the entire aura.
     Finally I wrapped the individual field with pink heart-light. I created a long egg-shape and sealed it so that the wisdom would be conserved within. I wrapped a golden ribbon around the whole thing, and stepped away to let it remain unchanged.
     I offered thanks to all the benign entities who had attended, and those guides who will remain connected to this event in order to facilitate the experience of all who visit from other places in time. I then returned to my own time.

    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on July 26th, 2016: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to unfold for you.
    Visit as often as you wish.
    The next Energy Alignment will take place on Tuesday, August 30th, 2016, 8 p.m. Eastern time.

     On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, June 28, 2016

     I prepared my work space by clearing with incense and playing a recording of the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum, reminding myself that the human soul is as capable of growth and development as the blossom of a lotus.
     I welcomed an array of benign guides, power animals and teachers. Together we filled the space with Light, and requested that any energies not intended to be present should return to Source, and relocate to a place where they might serve the Greatest Good.
     The space thus prepared, I created a vision of a human body to represent all the members of this community and the many more who will visit this alignment through time and space.
     The form took on an appearance of coarse knitting, the surface was lumpy and bumpy, the colour a rather muddy heather-purple. As I passed my hands above it, I could feel the rough, uneven surface. I exhaled light through my hands, and felt a smoothing take place.
     The figure remained purple, as my movements and breath continued to soften its texture.
     Slowly it transformed into feeling rough-spun, like hessian, sending the sensation of sacking onto my skin, not warm like the knitted wool.
     As I moved around the body, I explored the many layers that surrounded it. Each had unique attributes, the colours shifted, the temperatures and the degree of smoothness.
     There were grainy areas and gritty, too. There were oily and mushy and squishy places. I felt fluffy and filmy, rubbery and fuzzy.
      Enclosing it all was a brocade envelope, deeply contoured, shapes of leaves and petals which led my fingers into tracing them, feeling the truth that the human form is surrounded by the green and living layer of Mother Planet.
     I sensed a leathery smooth layer nearer to the skin. It held none of the heat that emanates from a living person. Instead it was cool and detached from life. It reminded me of armour: protecting whatever may be inside, using deception as well as brute strength.
     Closest to my visualized 'person', inside the bubble of body-heat, the field was smooth like satin. Cooler to the touch than skin would be, slippery and silky.
     All this time, the colour changed only slightly, rippling, mostly, through a mother-of-pearl rainbow, with rare flashes of a clear hue.
     I was given the knowledge that many recipients of this textured massage in their aura are struggling with their identity. It is a daily decision whether we will show the world our gingham or our tweed. We want, so much, to be our authentic selves, and yet we don't always know for sure what that might mean.
     The enlightened energies around me reminded me that there are no mistakes, and that we can choose to be metallic one day and lacy the next. Judgements belong to those who make them, and we have shielding around us to bounce back any darts that we perceive to me aiming in our direction.
     We are all exactly as we should be. When we change, we are becoming exactly as we should be.
    I created an enclosure to hold this knowledge.
    I closed it with long strands, like shoelaces, creating a herringbone pattern all around. As I placed the last stitch, I breathed the interior full of white light, and watched it swirl in between the layers of texture, the glow softening into many colours and patterns. I sealed it and swirled a spiral on the outside
     I thanked the sages and teachers and guides remain connected to this event. Not only did they assist with my exploration, they will offer the same to all others who visit from across time and space. I also thanked all the energies and entities which had contributed.
     I returned to linear time.

    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on June 28th, 2016: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to unfold for you.
    Visit as often as you wish.
    The next Energy Alignment will take place on Tuesday, July 26th, 2016, 8 p.m. Eastern time.

     On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, May 31, 2016

    I prepared for this alignment by cleansing my work space using the sound of bells and smoke from red sandalwood incense. I invited all unnecessary energies to return to Source for reassignment, and I invited in all the entities who live in the Light and had a role to perform.
    My personal guides surrounded me, and were soon accompanied by a cloud of others: sages and teachers and totem-spirits, representing attendees and community members. They all held space for the work to be successful, and I greeted them with gratitude.
    The atmosphere in the room was fuzzy and out of focus. I could not name the emotional charge that it held. This was not a negative, I felt I was being asked to wait for things to become clearer.
    I called all interested members of this community, in the moment and throughout all of time, and I gathered their presence into a human figure lying horizontal in front of me.
    My focus shifted into my core, and I breathed the presence of blue-white light. When I exhaled, the Light flowed outward from me, through the palms of my hands, and into the community presence.
    I received a tactile experience of granular matter. The human-shape in front of me seemed to be formed from barley or wheat grains, and as I  moved my attention down the spine, I felt a softening as though the grains were being milled.
    Flakiness touched me, at first hard, like baked breakfast cereal flakes, then softening to feel like coconut, which slowly transformed from flakes to fine shreds. As these threads became drier and finer, my fingers seemed to break them apart, and the mass ahead of me was more refined and delicate.
    More floury than cornmeal, the substance was not dense in the way that wheatflour or confectioner's sugar might be. It was airy and light, and began puffing up as I moved through it, like spores from a mushroom which drifted into invisibility.
    I came to know that the purpose of being in the physical realm, wearing a human body, in order to release love into the atmosphere.
    We do not perceived the art and civilization of trees or mosses, we know only that they exist in order to continue existence. Ego has convinced us that our purpose is found in the creation of literature and bridges and transportation systems. Blossoms and acorns are a part of the plant cycle, not the goal, and the same is true of our skyscrapers and blockbuster movies.
    Soul simplicity is found in the truth that our purpose is Love.     
    I sighed heavily with this knowledge, and the shape of the figure lost integrity, fluffing up in an amorphous mist and disappearing into whichever receptive dimension took it.
    I created a teacup-sized bubble to hold the experience secure in time, ensuring that it can be accessed by others. I wrapped it in golden ribbons and sprinkled it with the finest glitter as a signpost to the contents. I sealed it with a kiss, and touched my Third Eye to it, by way of anchoring the knowledge into my own body of wisdom.
    I then offered gratitude to all those guides and advisers who agreed to remain connected, and to facilitate this alignment for all those who visit across time and space. I thanked and released the others in attendance, and returned to my own place in linear time.

    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on May 31st , 2016: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to unfold for you.
Visit as often as you wish.
    The next Energy Alignment will take place on Tuesday, June 28th, 2016, 8 p.m. Eastern time.

     On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday April 26, 2016

    In preparation for this alignment, I cleared my field and my work area with candle-light, and invited whichever Beings of Light had an intention to attend.
    I welcomed my personal guides, and thanked the many others who attended. I became aware that a throng of mentors, teachers, and power-animals sat within the bright white light surrounding me. The energy was warm and I felt supported and upheld.
    I envisioned members of this community as light-energy, carefully combined as a single human figure, where I could access all their auras and impact all their energetic signatures.
    I shifted my focus, and allowed Light to flow through me and out of my hands towards the figure in front of me.
    I heard a low musical tone.
    As I moved my attention towards it, it became louder and more vibrant. The bass sound of a large gong  flowed all around me, and filled my aura and the room.
    I moved my hands in front of me, and both heard and felt the resonating sound of a drum. It repeated and lingered, without the sound of any sharp new beats.
    As I allowed the drum to surround me, I heard notes from a bassoon, quiet and insistent. They vibrated into me, at the base of my sternum, feeling thick and rich.
    These slow musical vibrations continued, without competing or overpowering each other. A trumpet sounded. With the note I experienced bright green light filling my vision.
    There was no discord, and no changing tune. The notes, the vibrations, remained stable and continuous.
    I heard the plucking of a mandolin string, and the note also lingered without any 'player' repeating the act. The chord that had now built communicated peacefulness.
    As I processed that these notes were progressing through the chakras, a clarinet joined, and I could sense it behind my Third Eye. The total chord was no louder, it was slow and calm.
    When I heard the smooth breath of a piccolo I was surrounded again by a blanket of white light which contained all of the sound-waves.
    Inside that container, all planes of existence were brought into harmony. The physical, mental, emotional and Spiritual expression of each individual became part of the gentle, textured chord that I was hearing.
    I was overtaken by the stillness, wanting to remain inside the perfect music longer and longer. Finally I created a protective bubble around it, and secured it. The chord remained inside, to be heard by any who visit.
    I thanked my supportive and protective teachers, and all the others who had offered guidance. I offered gratitude to those who will be the liaisons for attendees from distant times and places.

    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on April 26th , 2016: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to unfold for you.
Visit as often as you wish.
    The next Energy Alignment will take place on Tuesday, May 31st, 2016,  8 p.m. Eastern time.

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

 Energy Alignment: Tuesday March 29, 2016

    I prepared for this alignment by filling my space with music and ringing bells. I lit Red Sandalwood incense, and allowed the smoke to spread through my field and my work area.
    I greeted my personal guides who were present, and thanked them for their continuing support.
    I welcomed all the many other energies and entities that would serve the greatest intention of the community. I invited all other vibrations to return to the Universe for transformation in service of the Highest Good.
    I felt surrounded by benignant, loving energy which approved of the work being performed. I was warm and safe and upheld.
    I created a vision of 'everyperson' to receive the alignment on behalf of each individual in the community.  In this way, the entire session is encoded for access by anyone at any time.
    As I shifted the focus of my consciousness,I breathed deeply and the Red Sandalwood aroma reached into my core, and I felt myself exhale smoke, like a dragon, into the area in front of me.
    The smoke swirled inside the aura of the recipient on the table, and broke apart into four separate clouds.
    I called on Light, and it poured through the crown chakra and out into the room, forming a capsule around the smoke, keeping all the energy concentrated and unable to dissipate.
    The clouds spiraled and turned into galaxy-shaped plates, rotating slowly, tilting and gathering stray wisps.
    As they grew more distinct, the empty part of the aura began to twinkle with silvery light. The figure, reclining underneath the light-play, glowed yellow-gold.
    The source of the glow was hard to distinguish, possibly the spine, the light gently suffused the entire body, giving an impression of brightness at distance.
    I applied my attention at the head, and dialed up the intensity of the glow. It remained gentle, and the golden colour grew more intense.
    I then stretched the light down to the root chakra, and reminded it to glow red. As I trailed the light back up to the crown, each chakra lit up and shone brightly.
   When the circuit was complete, the light at the crown curled around and reentered near the feet, creating an unending and toroidal flow of light energy.
Seeing this smooth and integrated wave settle in to a  perpetual rhythm, I sealed it closed and preserved it for future visits.
    I thanked all the teachers who were in attendance for their contributions and guidance. I lodged the evening in place in non-linear time, where it can be accessed at any time.

   This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on March 29th, 2016: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to unfold for you. Visit as often as you wish.
    The next Energy Alignment will take place on Tuesday, April 26th, 2016,  8 p.m. Eastern time.
     Image from
On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday February 23, 2016

    I made my space ready for this alignment by cleansing the energies. I requested that the Cosmos accept again those vibrations which did not serve the highest good of this event. They will be transformed and redirected for the benefit of all.
    I then called for my personal guides to attend and enfold me in their strength. I expressed the intention that I become a hollow reed through which healing and positive energy from Source could flow.
    Around me I sensed the presence of a multitude of beings, entities and energies which represented the many recipients of this alignment in all of space and time. They surrounded my work space with warmth and safety and loving feelings.
    I focused on making an alignment to an individual field, conducted in such a way that each member of the community could access and benefit from the entire session.
    I stood at the head of the figure, and directed energy into the crown chakra. My palms felt hot. Behind my closed eyes I saw my hands glowing, and a bright beam of silver white light which was spreading. It came from outside me, through my crown and then through me into my model receiver.
    As the light entered the crown, it seeped into every cell. First it lighted up the scalp, then the head, then I saw it ooze down into the body, and very slowly the whole individual was shining white. The spine remained brighter, sparkling and glinting like a cut gem in the presence of light from so many directions.
    Without interrupting the flow of light, I shifted my position to the side of the torso. From this angle I was able to see that each of the twinkly points was a tiny individual soul, working very hard. These were healers whose work is done hands-on inside the body. Perhaps they represented antibodies, or miraculous self-repair and tissue replication or autonomic systems of the physical body, made into little fairy-story creatures to promote the idea that we can relate and communicate with them.
    As I formulated this thought, they began     to dance, and I heard syncopated rhythms delivered as though by tap-shoes. In perfectly choreographed synchronization they moved apart and together, swirling and stamping and not one of them ever took a wrong step.
    The glitter that was their community spread down the legs and feet and increased the body, arms and head until the whole figure was multifaceted and all the colours of the visible spectrum glinted and winked in the room.
    I drew the light into a curtain, and used it to enclose the aura of this being. I sealed inside all the healing and dancing, allowing it to continue the work of repair and renewal on the physical plane.
    I moved to the feet and visualized a golden ribbon which I could tie and arrange, ensuring that no intruding reason would make the twinkling stop.
    I thanked all the tiny healers and the beings of power who had remained present. I knew there were animals and angels, Brahmin and other teachers, each overseeing someone who has or will benefit from this session. I sealed this event into position in non-linear time where it is stored and from which it can be called forth.

    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on February 23rd, 2016: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to unfold for you. Visit as often as you wish.
    The next Energy Alignment will take place on Tuesday, March 29, 2016 8 p.m. Eastern time.
 On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday January 26, 2016

    To prepare for this alignment, I lifted myself out of the physical and spent a short time in another reality.
    I perceived around me the many benign and loving energies which accompany these sessions. I was with them, in an enclosure of safety and care, and this entire community was with me.
    As I turned my focus to aligning a single individual field so that each individual could benefit, I became aware of an unpleasant odour.
    It was a harsh, chemical smell, rather reminiscent of the oven cleaners of decades past. I felt irritation behind my nose and behind my sternum, and I began to cough. I became very present to the need to eliminate the toxicity from the auric field I was tending.
    I moved my hands from side to side, imitating the waves of the ocean. With each slow pass, freshness washed into the field, and as each wave receded, it took the worst of the smell away.
     Although my discomfort lessened, the area continued to feel slightly noxious. I elected to invite freshening aromas into space.
         Firstly I brought soil. It was black and loamy and enriched with compost. It smelt of the wet ground in the forest: fertile and rich. I surrounded my alignment figure with this beautiful earth.
    I then invited grass to grow upwards, and the sensation of a rainy day continued. Slender tall spikes of green glistened in front of me, and added a chlorophyll aroma to my workspace.
    Seed-pods emerged among the grasses, and soon there was a rapidly spinning cycle of new growth and blooms and fruit and seeding.
    With each of these seasons, the scents of the plants filled my breath: clean and alive. The figure in front of me began to breathe more deeply, the ribs and belly expanding fully and comfortably.
    I was granted the knowledge that the foliage was transmuting all the toxicity of the pernicious chemical vapours, breaking synthetic substances into their components and restoring elements to their natural states.
    The garden in my vision matured, and I was shown flowers blooming in a meadow, vast carpets of tiny anemones and celandine and bee balm interspersed with dandelions and marsh marigolds. Patches of phlox shone purple in the yellowish glow of the whole. The air was fresh and clear.
    I moved my hands over the chakras of the representative figure, and asked for the clean, crisp fragrance of the healthy meadow to penetrate the field.
    I instructed chemical residues to make room for wholesome replacement, and I sensed a whiff of poison as my instructions were followed.
    I then sealed the field, and placed a ring of purple loosestrife all around the area. I installed a shield of reflective silver all about the aura, and watched, as suddenly, inside the closed space, fat red strawberries manifested and multiplied. From my vantage point I experienced the smell and taste of them.  
    I felt certain that this was a call for us all to shift what we put into our bodies: to move away from synthetic food, and towards fresh and growing crops.
    I thanked all the other Spirits who had remained present, and sealed this alignment into the place in non-linear time where it is stored.

    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on January 26th, 2016: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be. Visit as often as you wish.
    The next Energy Alignment will take place on Tuesday, February 23th, 2016 8 p.m. Eastern time.

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday December 29, 2015

    I prepared for this session by settling into my centre and enjoying a three-part-breathing rhythm for a few minutes. I became very calm, my mood was smooth, and I could feel the flow of Cosmic love filling me and spreading out into the world.
    I visualized a person in front of me, and welcomed all the individuals who were represented.In the same moment I became fully aware of the many attendees from the Unseen realm. These guides agreed to remain forever connected with this alignment, their energies shared and multiplied among community members.
    I requested that any vibrations of negativity be returned to Source and shifted to a place where they might serve a greater purpose. My work space became filled with a yellow-white light.
    I moved to the head of the person in front of me, and saw that the light  was emanating from a ball of crackling light, like a sparkler firework. It was positioned just above the Crown Chakra, and as I applied my hands and the energy that was flowing from them, the sparkles took on an extra brightness. The light changed to blue-white, so shiny and bright that I felt a need to keep my eyes closed.
    As my intention surrounded this startling light, it slid to the location of the Third Eye, and its colour changed to a bright rich violet.
    The whole room was filled with this colour, and it felt very warm, like being in a bath.
    I moved again and the sparkler turned blue, nestling into the throat chakra, and snapping and crackling. I took these noises as instructions to clear away obstacles to communication: to own and share the stories that  motivate us in our every day.
    I worked my way down the body, and the light moved predictably to green in the Heart Chakra and yellow in the solar plexus.
    The orange glow at the Sacral Chakra was dark, almost brown, until I applied my hands, at which it instantly shifted to bright carrot orange, and the message came that for many of us, we struggle to be creative while engaging only our mental and emotional inspiration. When we allow Spirit to work through us, we will reveal our greatest creativity, first to ourselves and then to our audience.    
    At the Root Chakra the red illumination of the light-ball was strong. The desire for bodily existence remains active within each of us. I rested the light there, reinforcing our connexion to the physical world, and inviting health and wellness into the most basic cells and animators of our personal fields.
    With my focus returned to the Crown, I drew the light up the spine and watched the colours, now all very vibrant, leave a trail of light within the body shape. As the snapping sparkler returned to the outside, it anchored just above the skull, remaining in position to illuminate our every day.
    I sealed the whole, figure and light, into a silver bubble, tying the ends and tucking them inside, to promote self determination.
    I then allocated the session to the unseen realm where it can be accessed throughout all of Time.
    I thanked all the guides, ancestors, and spiritual guardians for their presence, and I returned to my own time and place.

    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on December 29th, 2015: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be. Visit as often as you wish.
     The next Energy Alignment will take place on Tuesday, January 26th, 2016 8 p.m. Eastern time.

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday November 24, 2015

    To prepare for this alignment, I sat with my breath for a few moments, and drew Light into my core. My heart-space glowed and twinkled, and soon my arms and hands were tingling with energy.
    I was very aware of the presence of all my guides, and I thanked them for being in attendance.
    I invited all the benign energies who could carry this alignment to members of the community, and as they revealed themselves I greeted guardians, spirits, guides, and ancestors. I also requested their continued presence within this alignment as it continues to exist.
    I set the intention that whatever sensations and visions and information we might experience during this event, everything will serve the Highest Good of all who come in contact with it. I asked the Source of All to syphon away any unnecessary vibrations which might be present.
    I created an image of a single human to represent all participants in all times and all places.
    The figure reclining in front of me was grey and the outlines blurred. I applied the tingling light of my hands, and watched as the outline solidified, and I was able to focus on the nature of the body.
    Rather than flesh in front of me, my perception was of a body-shaped arrangement of grains and seeds. The torso was made up of wheat berries, and other parts were barley and oats and sesame seeds and buckwheat and sunflower seeds.
    I accepted this vision, and held my hands to direct light into the heart of the body.
    The grain began to shift: first it slumped slightly into ground meal and then flour, and then it was yeast dough, rising and expanding. The room was filled with the aroma of yeast and fresh bread, and even as I breathed that into myself, the dough became baked. I was confronted by a human shaped loaf of bread, a loaf large enough to feed an entire village.
    I recognized the truth that we are all filled with seeds of potential, and as we process them within ourselves and our lives, the conditions we encounter can aid us as we transform into vessels of nourishment.
    I moved to the 'head' of the loaf, and sent a column of bright white down the chakras. The aroma intensified and I was surrounded by warmth.
    No matter what is altering our internal experience of the world, we always are capable of improving the reality of others. This is not about giving things or money, this is about sharing the benefits of our Soul Growth.
    I drew a bubble around the figure, and sealed the nutrients inside, available for each of us to imbibe and distribute.
    I wrapped the bubble in a silver light and gave thanks to all who were present. Then I placed the session into its designated place in the unseen realm of wisdom, bade farewell and returned to real time.
    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on November 24th: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be. Visit as often as you wish.
    The next Energy Alignment will take place on Tuesday, December 29th, 2015 8 p.m. Eastern time.

 On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, October 27, 2015

         As I prepared to conduct this session I connected with my guides and thanked them for being present. I welcomed all other benevolent and loving entities who had chosen to accompany the participants. I requested that they maintain close links with the people to whom they are attached. I also asked them to remain connected to this event as it exists forever outside of linear time. I then gathered together the many souls from the present and the future who had elected to partake of this energetic refreshment.
    I created and transmitted the intention to call in such Cosmic Powers as would best serve the highest good of everyone currently incarnated.
    I asked that any frequencies which did not serve the Highest Good should return to the Source of all in order to be transformed and directed to another use.
    I closed my eyes and contacted the vision of a human figure in front of me, representing each of the individuals in attendance..
    The person I perceived was more liquid than solid. It looked clear, like still water, it was not cold, and yet it did not ripple when I moved my hands around it.
    As I swept the area with my hands, clearing out distractions, the figure took on the appearance of sand. It was damp, as though the tide had just let, flat and undisturbed, yet with profound density.
    I continued the sweeping motion and the sand disappeared under a layer of autumn leaves – just like those littering the ground here in the north this month. The leaves were much lighter than the sand. As I continued my hand movements the leaves swirled slightly and rearranged themselves, without ever revealing the sand underneath.
     I asked for understanding of these images, and was shown a new layer within the auric field. This time I categorized it as snake skin, or reptile skin. It felt dry, and my fingers could feel the scales, and yet it was not rough.
    I held still to appreciate the sensation of the tiny plates, and as I did so, they expanded and softened until I was aware of the touch of feathers. They were lying neatly, arranged on the body as they would be arranged on the breast of a songbird. They overlapped and protected all that was within, and a layer of warm air was contained by the quills which were too rigid to lie flat.
    When I exhaled, the feathers softened again, and my hands were caressing something more like fur or hair. It was curly and fine: and I put my face closer to enjoy the sensation, breathing in the essence of the life that was held within. Within moments, the curls had dissolved and the figure before me was fully human and covered with smooth supple skin.
    At first, the skin was beige like mine, and it gradually changed and darkened. Like light on glass, the colour altered and drifted through a thousand shades of brown, growing deeper and richer until in the end there was only shining silver.
    I continued to sweep the aura, and the silver light recalibrated itself. Instead of the light illuminating the figure, the figure began to glow, and from within it illuminated the room, and my hands and my heart.
    I was given the knowledge that the alignment was complete, that the attendees and I were connected in and by the internal light which is the Source of All. I was told that I had been shown the unity of the physical realm, and that each form of life and change contains all the others.
    I placed a small kiss on the crown of the figure's head, offering myself as a conduit for the Love which flows through and within me.
    I thanked the many energies which had remained with me as I experienced this session, and I placed the vision into timelessness where it will be forever available.
    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on October 27th: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
    Next Energy Alignment:Tuesday, November 24th, 2015, at 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday, September 29, 2015

        I prepared for this session by thanking my own guides for attending, and welcoming all the many other benevolent energies present. I asked that they remain and support my connexion to those people with whom they reside. I also asked them to remain, outside of linear time, attached to this event.
        Gathering the diverse energies of the community was my first task, and I found I had to reach out further: a couple of individuals having drifted far, as though lost or resisting the prospect of being aligned.    I formulated an intention to connect with and transmit those Cosmic frequencies which would harmonize our physical bodies, easing each as an individual, and the groups as a whole. Those frequencies which did not serve this intention I returned to Source to be transformed to other uses in other places.
    I breathed into my centre, and closed my eyes to see a single human figure, horizontal and comfortable, in front of me.
    The figure was not a single colour, nor did it appear to be wearing colours. Rather it was swirling many shades, rather like smoke, or moving water with dye dropped into it.
    I moved to the 'head' of the figure and used my hands to slow the motion, drawing from the outer limbs to the 'spine'. Gradually a calm overtook the field. The shifting slowed, becoming even and rhythmic, reflecting my own breath back to me.
    I inhaled deeply and exhaled light into the Crown Chakra. The whirling and eddying resumed, this time in geometric patterns and a sense of purpose.
    Each of the chakras became the centre of a spiralling whirlpool, releasing colour and brightness into the body and outwards, illuminating the entire auric field with the spectrum that the Chakras generate.
    I became aware of a ring, standing upright at the feet of the figure. It was large, like a small hula-hoop, thick and white. I reached and grasped it, it was smooth like ceramic and neither hot not cold. I drew it towards me, and it slid easily, travelling up the length of the body, the lower part of the ring always underneath: the physical body always surrounded.
        As it arrived in front of me, the ring shrank, and was finally small enough to be placed at the crown, sealing the space it had enclosed, which now glittered with a faint residue of light.
    I received a gentle aroma of onions, first raw and then frying, releasing a warm and inviting promise of nourishment and fellowship.
    I closed the session by placing a seal on the crown of the head, and touching it with my lips. This allowed all the impressions of love and light and colour and community to continue to exist within.
    I thanked the energies and entities and angels and guardians who had been present. I placed the vision into timlessness where it will be forever available.
    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on September 29th: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
    Next Energy Alignment:Tuesday, October 27th, 2015, at 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday August 25, 2015

     I prepared for this event by finding the quiet within. I found there much sadness and I allowed tears to fall down my face.      I thanked my guides for being with me, and I greeted those guardians, spirits, guides, ancestors and all benevolent energies  who were attached to members of this community, offering gratitude to them as well, and requesting their continued presence within the eternal existence of the alignment.     My intention was for the discovery of wisdom and revelation which could serve the highest good of everyone who was present, no matter where in Linear Time. I requested that vibrations not needed in this moment should be returned to Source for other uses.     I envisioned a human figure to represent recipients of this session.      What I saw was disarranged. The shape was rather like an untidy pin-cushion, and I immediately responded by stroking the aura, from head to foot, in an attempt to find organization or shared direction.
     The figure glowed and sparkled like crumpled tin as I realized that I was seeing chrome and metal hand-tools. There were hammers and chisels and hand-drills and saws and screwdrivers, all in an elongated heap and jutting out at  angles. As I focused energy through my body and out of my hands into this jumble of equipment, the articles shifted into neater arrangements.
     Everything fitted together seamlessly. The human shape in front of me was now smoothly formed from thousands of gadgets that could could work together for the whole.
     I moved to the top of the head, and breathed into the Crown Chakra. As the moving air travelled down through the Chakras it provided inner light to the entire figure.
     Light beams shone brightly form the Third Eye and the Throat Chakras. The chest and heart area glowed with a pulsing light that corresponded to my own heart beat. I was much moved by this, feeling love for all the souls who are involved in the moment, and tears again ran down my cheeks.
     The three remaining Chakras radiated the area and the body with wide, glittering light which slowly grew to engulf my entire workspace.
     Standing in the gleam, I created a containing membrane to wrap around my work.
     I caused a bubble to enclose the figure. It remained filled with the glow that originated within. I could still see the outlines of the devices and utensils that were the very nature of this person.
     I recognized that from the very beginning, we each have the necessary tools to implement our intentions. Life experience might devalue or mis-align them yet they are present and can be used for progress and alignment.
     The lessons, the sorrows, the mis-directions of our history can all be used for Soul Growth as we achieve our intended destiny.
     I sealed the membrane, allowing the light to remain concentrated within. I wrapped the whole with a ribbon of rainbow colours and I basked in the brilliant spectrum of light which reflected from it.
     I gave thanks to all the energies which were present, and released the vision to make it available to all.

     This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on August 25th: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
     Next Energy Alignment Tuesday, September 29th, 2015 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday July 28, 2015

     In preparation for this alignment I called on my guides to be with me, and I invited the angels, guardians, guides, power animals and other benevolent spirits from each and every community member to be present.
     I thanked everyone for their attendance and requested that they remain connected with this event to facilitate access through all of linear time.
     I set the intention that any energies which were revealed would serve the highest good of everyone concerned, or be returned to Source and transformed.
     I formulated a vision of a human figure which would represent anyone who accessed this session.
     My perception of this figure was less visual and more textured than in the past.  
     As I moved my attention through the field, I was aware of jaggedness; of lumps and bumps; of some smooth surfaces and some voids.
     I allowed Universal Light to flow into my field, and I focused it through my palms into the entity in front of me, and I saw all the many shapes and formations glow as with an inner light.
     The light changed colour, shifting through the spectrum and shining brightly through the entire area and into the room.
     I focused my energy to the chakras, one at a time, beginning with the root.  
     The sensation I received first was of sharp edges, like a flint arrowhead. I applied my hands to smooth and soften.  
     At the second chakra there were protrusions like lupin flowers. As I transmitted energy into them, they subsided into a calm feeling, and nestled into the general presence in front of me.
     The solar plexus felt like feathers. They were ruffled and uneven, and responded right away to my attention. They arranged themselves into an integrated layer which looked like a single soft surface.
     The heart chakra was as bumpy as soap foam although not as soft and giving. When I placed my attention into it, the bumps relaxed into glassy smoothness. It shone with an intense green colour, and somehow invited further touching, as though the heart was calling for increased attention, and that there was love unexpressed which was seeking an outlet. I remained present with that feeling, my hands on the glass, and the warmth of my touch dissolved the surface and the emerald light became gelatinous and welcoming.
     The fifth chakra felt ridged and uneven, like touching a cable-knit sweater. As I caressed it and directed in a beam of Universal Love it became soft. It melted into blue silkiness like a sunny sky.
     The Third Eye was fuzzy and woolly to touch. It was clogged and thick and untied, and it took me some time to move the blockages and allow the Light to illuminate the spot. When I did so, there was an astounding violet sparkle all around me.
     The crown was dark and had no textural presence at all. As soon as I put my energy there, it glowed with an untarnished and unblemished light. I was able to move back and see the whole figure.
     It was an elongated energy field, a little egg-shaped, and it was not difficult to enclose it in golden light.
     As I did so, I could see the light spread through it all, and the infusion of energy created a very coherent and calm figure, with the uneven responses to life calmed.

    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on July 28th: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

     Next Energy Alignment Tuesday, August 25th, 2015 8 p.m. Eastern Time.


 On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday June 30, 2015

    Before beginning this alignment, I stood outdoors and watched rain pour down ferociously. Guttering and downspouts where overwhelmed by the volume of water, and although it lasted only a few moments, the sights and sounds stayed with me.

    When I formulated a figure in front of me to represent this community and experience an energetic alignment, it appeared to be composed of swirling water.

    I called my guides to be with me. I thanked them for being present, and asked them to maintain connexion and the attention with the guides of any individuals who would access the frequencies and wave-forms of this event.

     I requested that all energies uncovered that do not serve the highest good of all involved should be returned to the Cosmos for transformation.

     In front of me I beheld a three-dimensional human shape made of water. The colour was clear, and as I breathed beside it, there was movement like whirlpools in the torso. When I placed my attention at the heart, I saw rushing streams entering and leaving, circulating throughout the entire body.

    I moved my body to the ‘head’ of the water-being, and supported the skull in my hands. The water made acrobatic patterns inside the head. Designs formed with curling curves and with jagged starbursts. The water washed across the space like tiny ocean waves, then plopped in the centre and rippled outwards.

    As I introduced Cosmic energy into the Crown Chakra, the water all through the body arranged itself into hexagons like snow crystals. Each of the chakras shone forth a unique and beautiful shape like a six-sided gem.

     I breathed into the crown, depositing Love from the Source of All into the water. I watched as the water shifted smoothly and gently, supporting the sparkling crystals, and allowing them to grow spherical and ever-more intricate.

    I moved my hands to focus energy at each chakra, beginning at the root. I asked the crystals to adopt the colours with which I am familiar to indicate that they had been fully energized.

     It took some time for the root crystal to glow red, and when it did the orange and yellow of the sacral and solar plexus glowed almost immediately.

     The undercurrents of circulation and breath continued in the heart-space, and the water was moving in such complex formations that it looked dark grey. After a few moments of application, the green of the heart chakra lit up a crystal sphere as big as a cantaloupe melon. It was not entirely inside the chest, more bulging upward, and light from the multitudes of facets played on the walls and ceiling like the reflections from a disco ball.

    The green colour flooded my awareness, and as I adjusted to it, I realized that the blue and violet of the throat and third eye were also bright and fully coloured.

    I remained at the crown, and quickly felt the flow of all-colour white as it engulfed me and then fed into the field. All the colours were amplified, and the water shone with inner brightness. A white shine oozed from the whole body enclosing it and creating a light-filled capsule.

     The full water-body was embraced and secured, and I quickly wrapped and sealed the field, anchoring positive energies in position and releasing all others.


    This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on June 30th: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

     Next Energy Alignment Tuesday, July 28th, 2015 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

 On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday May 26, 2015

    Before beginning this alignment, I cleared my workspace and called on my guides to be present and to welcome such other energies as were willing to be present.
     I gathered those community members who were willing into a single entity to keep my process focused. I thanked my guides and the multitude of others who manifested, accompanying the humans for whom they feel deep love and with whom they travel.
     I set the intention that if any energy uncovered does not serve the good of all involved, it should be released to the Cosmos where it can be transformed.
     The field of activity in front of me was the size and general shape of an adult human. It was lit yellow-green from the direction I would call “underneath”. As I observed, the light moved upwards with a slow, calm spring-growth energy.
     The envisioned body took on a dappled, constantly shifting hue, still in the yellowest of greens. I took this to be the green of the heart-space, enhanced by the bright centering yellow of the solar plexus. The message of these colours is an allowing for each of us to align with Love, which serves our self-image, and to adopt a Self-expression which is a conduit for Love into the world.
     I moved my hands to draw the colouration upwards into and over the body, and it stretched to fill the entire aura. As it made its transit through, I saw it animate, illuminate, and balance the Chakras. Each of which settled into the fullest possible expression of its own colour. The Chakras revealed their spin: it was independent to each centre, and each was also entirely synchronized for its role in the system.
     I was working with the root Chakra on my right, and I gently pulled the red light to the left, deepening each of the other colours, and connecting all the bodily energies to the physical reality which is Human Life.
     When I reached the crown, all the light that I could see was absorbed into a bright blue-white orb, which I was able to draw down through the body and back to the root.
     The entire form, and the surrounding energy field, glowed so brightly that I could only look at it with my eyelids closed.
     I threw a ribbon of safety and security around the whole area and sealed the light within. It took on the shape of an egg, and gave off a golden glow.
     Then I released all energy, allowing it to proceed to the place where it will serve the greatest good. I thanked my guides, and your guides, and all of the higher and deeper Selves who were present.
     This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on May 26th: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

     Next Energy Alignment: Tuesday, June 30th, 2015 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday April 28, 2015

     I began by summoning the energies which always surround and support me, my work. Then I called in the guides and spirits present in the lives of all community members present.
     I asked for, and was granted, permission to manipulate the individual fields of everyone in attendance, regardless of their location in time and space.
     I visualized a single human body to guide me into the realms of aura and light, and was immediately shown a shower of fine white petals. They were tiny, like those on the wee daisies that grew in lawns when I was a girl. They fell gently, drifting down like snowflakes, and landed on me and on the shape in front of me. Most were bright white, and some had a slight pink tinge.
     As the petals landed, they transformed into full flowers of many kinds and sizes and colours. Leafy green light shone outwards in all directions and I directed my attention to the crown chakra of the shape before me.
     As I placed my focus into the crown, all of the chakras became present, each one turning and glowing with its particular colour. From the beginning they were synchronized in their spin, and as I applied energy to the line of the spine, I detected some quickening, although there was no great speed or rush, simply the carefully designed rotation that rules all things from the inner workings of an atom to the great beautiful swirling galaxies in space.
     I was told to be aware of the unity of which we are a part. The Oneness of existence should not be forgotten as we go about our days.
     Oneness was celebrated. It had a bright light wrapped around it. It was held up as the only educational fact that anyone needs to learn. Oneness was offered as a focus for meditation; as a topic for prayer and as a theme for relationships of all kinds.
     The ultimate goal of entering the human experience as apparently separate individuals is to shift our understanding to the truth of Oneness, and give Unity Consciousness a place in the physical world.
     With this understanding, I wrapped the field of the community in a single sheath of bright yellow light. I tied off the ends and it glowed golden, as though illuminated from within.
     I thanked all the attending vibrations for being present, and I experienced the certainty that they were a part of me, and I am a part of them.

     This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on April 28th: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

     Next Energy Alignment Tuesday, May 26th, 2015 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday March 31, 2015

     I began by calling on my guides and lights, and invited the presence of all the community members who were choosing to participate, wherever they lie on the continuum of linear time.
     I gathered together all those community energies currently expressed in human form, and felt Cosmic love flow into me, loving me deeply, and then overflowing through me and into everyone who was present in my energetic field.
     I sculpted a figure to contain the energies, and saw it as a human shape in front of me. I scanned the form, and felt areas of swollen red light, several small in the head area, and a more generalized full-body glow.
     I asked my guides the cause of this discomfiting condition, and understood that many among us are experiencing symptoms and injuries related to resisting life encased in a human body.
     The swollen areas were the places where people were feeling the greatest of limitations.
     I touched the nose and mouth, and the nerves that link them to the physical brain. The redness eased, and I became aware that the human senses of taste and smell are small. Many among us struggle with wanting deeper sensations.
     At the sides of the head, I funneled Light into the ears and the hearing centres of the brain, unclogging the angry energy that I found, and allowing the red light to dissipate. Placing my hands over the eyes I did much the same with the vision centres.
     There are those among us who are distressed to have less hearing than bats and less vision than hawks. As a result, they do not engage the fullest potential of the senses that are present, and they live with an unhappy emotion overriding the physical wonders that are, in fact, available.
     As I heard this information, I understood the full-body glow to be both an expression and a rejection of the feeling of touch. Every inch of our skin is filled with the ability to feel the clothes we are wearing; the wind on our face; the desk under our wrists, and yet we do not.
     I transmitted calm and acceptance into the field in front of me, filling the entire aura with green light, and slowly drawing all the chakras into synchronized spin, letting the heart-centred green dissolve into the colours of fullest function.
     I returned to the head and placed my palms on the Third Eye: opening it and breathing into it the truth that the Earth School requires life in a human body, and learning how to live with – and fully use -- the five physical senses.  
      I thanked my guides, and yours, for allowing this movement towards alignment as I sealed the field with a violet bubble, enclosing as much non-physical energy as would fit, bathing each of us in Cosmic knowing.  
     This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on March 31st: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.
Next Energy Alignment Tuesday, April 28th, 2015

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment: Tuesday February 24, 2015

     I called in my personal guides and those of all community members who were willing to participate. I found myself surrounded by dozens of presences, all benign and loving and filled with the Light of All. I had the sensation of being gently held in a warm embrace as I transmitted the love and care through my body and out through my palms into my field of focus.
     As I moved to delineate the extent of that field, the outer layer slipped away like a discarded snakeskin. I picked it up and was entranced by the intricacy of the patterns and colours and the diverse growth patterns that it represented. I was equally astonished by how light and transparent and flimsy it felt.
     This had been the limit of growth, and yet in truth it had almost no substance. This was an important reminder for me in my life, and I have no doubt I was intended to share it for you, too.
     I gently set aside the skin – keeping it for educational purposes when I am ready to examine old oppressions. Then I returned my attention to the energy field before me.
     It was pale, having been protected before. It had a new puffy surface, like rising bread-dough, as it grew beyond the limits that were previously in place. There was a feeling of joy all around me, as the energy shifted into this new and unrestrained condition.
     I placed my hands high above, and twirled the light in order to animate the wheels of the chakras. I started with the crown, and worked down the body, and then I returned to the crown again. I synchronized the spin of all the centres, and allowed them to become fully illuminated with their individual colours.
     Before I sealed the field, I envisioned each individual receiving the love and approval and unconditional acceptance of the spiritual realm, and I knew that as we accept that support into our lives, we can each be much greater than we have been taught.
     I added the love and pure white light provided by the Spirits surrounding me. I wrapped the whole aura in rainbows, shining like crystal, warm like summer sun.
     When the field was sealed, I was filled with a profound, copper-coloured gratitude, hot in my third chakra. I turned and offered it, with thanks, to the presences who were still around me.
     They took it and melted away, leaving behind a certainty that they remain nearby.
     This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on February 24th: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

Next Energy Alignment Tuesday, March 31st, 2015

Energy Alignment: Tuesday January 27, 2015

     I began calling in my guides and supportive energies, and asking that all the benign spirits present in the community should attend. I then gathered that energy into an area where it could remain coherent. I visualized an individual to represent the whole.

    The bubble of light which surrounded the individual shone brightly. It began with a teal hue, combining the green of the heart with the blue of the throat. The light spread, shifting through the colours of the upper three chakras, turning blue into indigo and violet, resting at silver white.

     The figure and its field were warm, and as I moved my hand through the energy body, I felt the smoothness of silk. I felt very welcome, and I knew that I was granted permission to do whatever I was guided to do.

     As I peered into the light, I saw the entity within wrapped in black and white. The image of newspaper bubbled up: a picture that recently appeared in my work. Newspaper is, by definition, rapidly outdated. The new becomes old, quickly.

     I recognized the message that we all act out the input we received 20 or 30 or 50 or more years ago. What was valid and necessary then, is like newspaper. Historians need to carry it forward; individuals do not.

     I caused the white light surrounding the old papers to brighten. It faded the newsprint, expunging the out-dated stories. The area infused with the pale yellow of sun-bleached paper.

     As the black and white simplistic energy drained away, the yellow of the third chakra became more and more intense, allowing a centered, self-aware energy to express clearly.

     The overall light of the field moved away from emphasizing the head, and I was able to draw the chakras into aligned spinning, from crown to root and back.

     I sealed my work inside a yellow-gold sheath, and offered gratitude for the assistance I received.

     This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on January 27th: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

Next Energy Alignment Tuesday, February 24th, 2015

Energy Alignment: Tuesday December 30th, 2014

     I began by requesting the presence and support of the energies and guides which uphold me and my work. I drew a light bubble around my work-space, and I then started gathering the community together into a single energetic body.
     I found paradoxical fields of icy solid cold areas interspersed with buzzing swarming insects.
     At first, I thought these represented different individuals or groups. As I paused to absorb the emotion behind the images it came clear to me that the buzzing busyness of the swarm was a metaphor for the behaviour of people in our culture. The unmoving ice revealed the absence of human warmth that the busy disconnectedness causes.  I was being shown two facets of modern life.
     As I swept away the insects, I called calm energy to fill the spaces they had swarmed. The swarms left an organized grid where energy-flow had been unimpeded. Peaceful, quiet energy was able to permeate every corner, and allow for deep relaxation in those spaces.
     As the tranquil mood pervaded the gaps, it also softened the icy hardness of the other regions of the body, and as soon as the rigidity yielded I began to pour light and love into the entire being.
     I moved to a place at the feet, and drew light from the universe, through the crown, and along the spinal plane.
     As the chakras received this powerful energy, they quietly glowed with colour and sounded the gentle hum which is the music of the physical world. I became aware of the rhythmic breath of the community, and I timed waves of light and waves of love to swell and dwindle in time with the natural beat.
     As the field in front of me settled into a natural alignment with the energies on all planes, I sealed it into a transparent container, buffering the intrusive chaos of the outer world. I pulled together all the protective ribbons which appeared, and they gathered under the feet. I felt the humility of a student at the feet of a master, and I transmitted my gratitude to the inside of the container, so that each of you could be thanked for the contribution you make to my life.

     This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on December 30th: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

Next Energy Alignment Tuesday, January 27th, 2015

Energy Alignment November 25, 2014

I called on Universal energy to be present with me and to mark the time for recall and revisits. I was joined by my teachers and guides.
I bathed myself in their presence and the light. I allowed myself to be filled so full that love and light shone from the palms of my hands and feet.
I called for this community and I gathered all the energies of all the many people together into a single entity. I saw them not in their particular human forms, but as the facets of the Cosmos that they are. I saw them surrounded by a ring of warming gentle flame,
Then they were revealed to be nearly empty, as a litre-bottle might have only 250 millilitres of liquid, so the entity in front of me was depleted in spirit.
This was not because the flame had burnt anything away, indeed the embracing flame kept the liquid expanded as much as was possible.
I saw at once that my task for this session is entirely about asking for the refilling of the container, which would in turn refresh the levels in individual lives.
With awareness came the request and the response, because those three are inextricably enmeshed.
Like massive raindrops – as big as pears – the refilling arrived, and passed though the layers of the aura and into the very depths of the image-being.
The liquid level rose, and the colour of it moved from red to orange to yellow, green, blue, violet and the white which is all colour and all love and all life and all things.
When the being in front of me was so full that there was no line to check the level, then I was able to segregate the chakra wheels and spin them into action.
Each took its identity and the light of source shone blue-white along the line where a spine would be.
The chakras span in a coordinated dance, each taking from and giving to the others. The whole system became so integrated that no part of it could be hanged, for it had developed into a single whole.
I was reminded that in our very personal experiences and growth patterns and learnings and teachings, we are, in fact, One.

     This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on November 25: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

Energy Alignment October 28, 2014

     I began by calling in my guides and teachers, and gathering the community into a single space. I sent rays of light into each individual aura, and felt the return of energy.
     The first visual I was granted was of a bandaged body, not unlike a movie mummy. I recognized bandages are indications of damage and the time needed for healing. I also had the revelation that in the context of the energy-body the bandages, and what they represent, exist because of beliefs rather than actual injury.
     I sent love and light into the bandages, and some of them unwound while others dissolved. There was no residue, no scraps falling to the floor and no marks left behind by the winding of them. Their existence and their power had been entirely illusory.
     Once the bandages were gone, the body underneath showed as a hollow clear glass shape. I transmitted love and light into the clear emptiness, and saw smoke and clouds throughout the entity.
     Although the darkness moved and shifted, it was contained and constrained. I created openings in the hands and feet, and then I poured white light into the heart and chest. First it swirled into a spiral vortex and remained limited to the torso, and then expanded and the murkiness of smoke was displaced.
     The entire body filled with light, and as I applied structuring intention to it, the chakra colours segregated, and the system glowed in an aligned and synchronized way.
     I moved to the crown and breathed more white light down the column of the chakras.  The first reaction was from the sixth chakra (third eye), which lit up in two expanding cones of violet light. The cones extended from the front and back of the head, spinning and glowing with an astonishing intensity.
     I continued to breathe, and had similar response from the remaining energy centres. Deep blue at the throat and from the back of the neck; emerald green from the chest and upper back; fluorescent yellow from the front and rear above the navel; tangerine orange from below the navel, and a brilliant red at the base of the spine.
     The colours were intense and as each colour expressed at both the front and rear of the body, it also curled into a torus shape enclosing the body and allowing the energies to intensify and inform the physical body of each entity who experienced it.
     I concluded by wrapping the whole in a shell of golden light, designed to reflect energy back into the body, so that it would but dissipate, but would continue renewing and refreshing itself within the infinite energy of each Spiritually connected individual.

     This alignment exists forever, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you into the energetic realms at that moment on October 28: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

Energy Alignment September 30, 2014

     I began by requesting the presence of the energies of the Equinox, and by honouring the autumnal season where I am located.
     I called together the entire community and found it perfectly positioned on a single point in time and space. This is the fulcrum which balances light and dark; left and right; day and night; slow and fast; wide and narrow; and all the other dichotomies which dominate the physical plane.
     As I observed the body before me, the light that illuminates my experience revealed to me patches of stagnation.
     I became aware of failures in the never-ending cycle. I saw growth restricted, and the limits of clinging. Bottlenecks of fears were clogging the flow. Auric fields were closed by clasped hands. As some individuals protected themselves from perceived negatives, their hearts were isolated from incoming love and light.
     I felt a brief wave of sadness pass through me, and then I became aware of the presence of my teachers.  My field filled with love and gratitude for them. I was nourished by the immensity of the love which was then able to flow through me, and I returned my attention to the collective entity in front of me. The constrictions and blocks and congestions were easy to sweep away: they were like dried grass, crispy and desiccated, and without weight. They were so insubstantial that they dissipated as soon as I intended them to do so.
      I then drew in the Cosmic light and love to enervate and energize the chakras.  At the root I installed the red of the sumac leaves around my home. Deep and rich and many-textured, the wheel began to spin calmly and steadily. At the second chakra I added gentle shade of falling beech leaves, and at the third I placed the saffron of the maples. As each chakra was infused with colour, it synchronized with those before and the system span as a single unit.
     At the heart chakra I added the green of the pines, honouring those parts of the Living Layer which continue through the short days. Sky blue was perfect for the fifth chakra, and violet-edged clouds informed the Third Eye. At the crown it was the light of the sun itself that shone into and through the chakras. I was reminded that our sun is the starting place of all physical life here, and the local reservoir of life-force. The energy flowing through me into the group field is just a tiny portion of this greatness which is the Cosmic Source of all things.
     I concluded this alignment exercise by enclosing the group in a shining silver bubble, which allows the sunlight to shine in to the crown and illuminate the whole.

    This alignment exists forever in the energetic realm, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you to that moment on September 30: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.


Energy Alignment August 26, 2014

First I prepared the space with music, a ringing bell, and a clear intention, before I gathered the community together in a single body.
Then I cleared all the stagnant energy that I found on the four planes, beginning at the physical. I swept away the clouds of left-over and unused energy that were clogging the area, stopping light from reaching the body. Then I moved to the mental plane where I combed the tangled energies that were bunched and knotted in places, threadbare and flimsy in others. 
On the emotional plane I found a shell surrounding the energies. It was mottled, pink and yellow. It was smooth and cool as I approached it one way, and yet scaly and resistant when I changed direction. It reminded me of the skin of a fish. The emotional plane is often illustrated as water in myths and metaphors. Perhaps finding fish in this place is not unusual. As I transmitted aligning energy into this image, it relaxed and softened, moving closer to the body, molding itself to the physical reality and excluding the puffed up mass of imagination.
Spirit is present through all the planes. As I drew Source Light and Love into the crown chakra of this community, the physical, mental and emotional layers reacted by glowing and settling into comfort. Tension and stress are symptoms of disconnection from Spirit, and the simple act of inviting it in is enough to heal that absence.
As my intention elicited more and more source light, the chakras shone and span. They were slow and a little ragged at first, then with a few false turns they shifted into alignment.  Soon all seven were smoothly synchronized and working as a single unit, allowing each individual to shift into congruence with their life-intention.
I sealed the field with a silver – matte cover. The whole remained present, softly radiant like a moon, glimmering like fish underwater. The seal will allow love to remain within the affective field, while filtering fear to the outside.

    This alignment exists forever in the energetic realm, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you to that moment on August 26: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

Next session will take place on September 30, 2014

Energy Alignment July 29, 2014

I prepared the space by ringing a small, high-toned bell. I arranged myself on an East-West line, and called up the presence of this group.
     As I gathered the energetic body of the community together, the field was pale and matte. When I called in the details I saw flat white, like folded paper. As I probed more deeply I discovered the entity covered with origami shapes and flattened papers bearing the marks of angular folds.
     There were protrusions like small wings and beaks and limbs. There were lumps and hummocks and sharp peaks too. There were lines of diagonal folds, of pleats and tucks. Some pages remained gathered and crimped into nonsensical shapes, while others were creased as though they had been folded and then undone.
     Although the area felt crumpled and crinkled, there was no feeling that the paper had been balled up and discarded. What was present was the result of past effort. There was organization and skill which had been involved, and was no longer needed.
     I started to sweep the area, and the paper did not move. I summoned a flattening energy and slowly, slowly moved up and down the body, smoothing and ironing the paper.
     As I worked I breathed light into the field, and gradually the rumpled texture was pressed away, and the paper itself simply vanished.
     Underneath, the energy body was glowing calmly with a creamy light.
     I was able to draw white light from the Cosmos into the body, through the crown. As I pulled it down it flowed into each of the chakras, and they pulsed and began to spin. With very little effort I was able to coordinate the speed and direction with which they moved, and as they aligned with each other the bodily glow shifted into a yellow-gold.
     I leaned in further, and I breathed green light from my heart into the Third Eye. All of the seven chakras glowed more brightly in their individual colours, and the larger auric field became visible.
     The bending and contorting which had been revealed through the paper was now released, and energy and light were moving in a lazy figure-8, looping though from the crown to the root, then out and around, over and back through.
     The stillness is gone, the damage of the past is gone, and all that remains is alignment in the Now illuminated by the light of the Source of All things.
     Each one of us is liberated from past stagnation. August will be full of flow.

     This alignment exists forever in the energetic realm, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you to that moment on July 29: Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

Next session will take place on August 26, 2014

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

Energy Alignment June 24, 2014

     I gathered the community together into a single form, and noted that the energy field was filled with muddy patches and scattered beads of fog.
     I spent some time shining light into the murkiness, and slowly clearing the thick layers. It took several repetitions to expose the light body within.
     As I moved my attention to the central energy canal, I was aware of two energy strands, wrapped around each other like a twisted hard candy.

    The two strands were each lit with the colours of the chakras, and they were overlaid in a top-to-tail pattern.
    The energies were positioned in pairs, with first and seventh together, and second and sixth and so on. This resulted in a profoundly new view of the animating forces within each of us. 
    As the shining white of the Source of All entered the crown, it was paired with the rich deep red of the root chakra. A reminder that without this flowing energy there would be no life within these physical vessels.
    At the Third Eye, the violet of intuition was coupled with the creative orange of the sacral chakra. The two together reinforces the source of originality and creativity is in the Unseeable realms.
    The throat chakra blue sat comfortably with the solar plexus yellow. Together they declared that the words we speak and the other communications we make are always statements of our identity.
    At the heart the two strands were fully aligned, fourth chakra to fourth chakra, the green glow was intense and even heavy. I got the sense that much love is sitting still, being guarded as though scarce. As this thought came to me, the green began to glow and swirl and move as a weightless mass of light. Love expands when it is moving. Love needs to flow, from the Source to our loved ones, in order for Source to flow ever more into us and our personal fields. Love that stagnates cannot love.
    In the solar plexus, the yellow and blue are side by side again, the Cosmic communication which passes through the throat informs the sense of identity and the nature of the authentic self.
    At the sacral point, the orange glow at the place of physical creation is softened and wrapped in the Spirit of inspiration.
    At the red of the root, Cosmic Source light was brilliantly bright. This was a simple reflection of what we saw at the crown.
    The message this month is that without Spirit there is no physical life and that in this realm, there must be physical life in order for Spirit to fully express.
    The two twisted energy threads are the answer to the question Why are We Here?
     I sat in silence and allowed the truth of this to permeate the whole group. The I closed the energy bubble with a
clear, glass-like wrap.
     I watched as all the colours of the strands gained strength and radiated to fill the entire capsule, ultimately absorbing into each other to become glowing, luminous, numinous white.
     I moved away, leaving the intention that this month we will each find reasons to bring motion to the energy and intelligence of our hearts, energy which explains our very existence in human life.

Energy Alignment May 27, 2014

     To begin, I raised the vibration in my space and in myself using music.
     As I visualized the presence of all the fields that represent this community, I was aware of the swelling energy of the new Strawberry Moon, it was sold and applied pressure to the space I inhabited.
     As a result of the pressure, I saw dark areas in the field. Patches were blacker than bruises, dark enough to negate any light within that place.
     I breathed the moon energy into the larger area and saw the whole body and its aura and beyond take on the deep red of a ripe strawberry, and then the body took the texture of strawberry fruit. It became pink and succulent.
     As the strawberry red settled into the field the dark areas were consumed and eliminated, replaced by pink light and then red light. Strawberry beauty and texture and even the flavour of the physical fruit being stronger in this moment than the left-over shadows of that which serve best when released.
     Once the darkness was gone, I was able to spin the chakras. I started with the red root chakra and worked my way to the crown of the head.
     At the root I gathered up and removed excess Five energy, which was overabundant and showing itself as restlessness and agitation.
     As I moved up the body, I encountered some blocks and resistances. I added Three energy into the Second chakra, and as the orange light began to spin in unison with the root, it drew in Four energy as well, stabilizing the rotation.
     At the third chakra yellow light was present and yet inert. As I spun I inserted One energy to stimulate esteem and self-knowing.
     In the HeartSpace, the fourth chakra was bright green and spinning well. I offered Two energy to support relationships, and it took a little, In exchange I was given a Six frequency to remove feelings of duty from the experience of heart-love.
     The four chakras were all spinning in alignment with each other.
     At the fifth chakra in the throat the blue light absorbed Two and Three energy, proclaiming the need for creativity in communication within relationships. Each day brings a new world and we learn as we go how to share our experience with the people in our lives.
     At the Third Eye I felt profoundly connected to several individuals as well as to the composite presence. The room filled with violet light, shining and glinting like amethyst crystals. I felt safe and warm as though my body was under-warm-water and enclosed. My head remained safe in air and breathing, supported by the density encompassing me. The chakra drew Eight energy from me, looping me into the presence of other third eyes, connecting me with a give and take flow to people and places at great distance.
     At the crown I simply allowed the flow of Nine to fill the white light as it poured in from the everywhere. As it entered the field it competed the alignment of all the chakra-wheels. Each one glowed and span. The aura filled with glowing gold-white, and vibrated rather the way a purring cat vibrates. It was calm and warm and felt exactly as it ought to feel.
     I returned to the feet and honoured them for connecting us all to the ground. As the point of contact feet remind us that we have chosen to be physical at this time, and in acknowledging that truth we remember that our true selves are not physical at all.
     I sealed the field with red light. It gave me a strawberry-skin finish, seeds of pure potential covering every last part. I am confident that in the next two weeks as we watch the waxing of The Moon, we will be granted all manner of gifts.

Energy Alignment April 29, 2014

I began by invoking the energies of growth and change that will be predominant during this next month. I gathered together the presences of all those who are willing from my online community, my loved ones, and some specific people with illnesses who have agreed to receive whatever healing frequencies flow though me as I work.
     I cleared and raised vibration in my work-space using music. Then I centered my identity in a vertical conduit through which Cosmic Love and healing and compassion could flow.
     The flow was intense, and my body felt over-full. My eyes overflowed with tears and the pressure was slightly relieved.
      I scanned the apparent body in front of me, seeing several layers of the auric field rather disconnected from each other, like the layers of an old, stale onion.
     I breathed white light into the entire area, and was rewarded with a sense of coherence and connexion as the field coalesced. The overall force of the field raised to Nine.
     Then shadows appeared against the brightness, revealing where blockages were present.
     The darkest shade was based in the Third Chakra where insecure Two energy conflicted with One energy. Many attendees are struggling to please other people against the interests of their personal identity. This very clearly manifests in the Third Chakra. I cleared the shadow as well as I could, infusing Seven to strengthen personal identity.
     When the time is correct, the certain knowledge of Spiritual intent will override the lessons of early socialization. When this happens, and it is well supported by the numbers present during May, it will be logical and sensible to take steps sideways. Anyone who chooses can shift their focus from obedience to self-expression. We each came to the Human Experience to learn particular lessons, and for many people, this is one of the most important and most difficult.
     The additional dark spots were distributed over the limbs as well as the chakras. Each one represented a lesson waiting to be learnt.
      For those who are afraid to reach out, I took the shade from their arms and added grounded Two energy which builds relationship without sacrificing Self.  For those who are afraid to move forward, I erased the darkness of the lower legs and feet, and inserted a vast wash of Five to facilitate movement and forward-growth.
     For everyone I painted the entire aura with the green of the Heart Chakra, infusing love and compassion and comfort.  Then I sent that same green along the spine and the chakra channel, watching as it filled and turned the wheels of each energy centre. As they spun and synchronized with each other, behaving as a single system, they each took on the individual colour that they broadcast to the field.
     Finally I enclosed the energy inside a golden casing  reaching below the feet and above the head. It is a one-way membrane which permits the departure of unneeded or unwanted energy and does not allow anything undesired to enter.
    As I disconnected from the field, I saw the shining gold take on a slightly green hue, as Love and heart-force enclosed all that we will be.
     This alignment exists forever in the energetic realm, unchanged by the events of Linear Time. If you wish to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you to that moment on April 29. Request the Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

Next session will take place on May 27, 2014

Group Energy Alignment: March 25, 2014

     I started by clearing my work-area with the ringing of a bell, raising the vibrational frequency of the space.
     I then visualized a large, flat room and invited the entire community to be present; immediately a milling crowd presented. There were some faces I recognized and others I did not. Everyone seemed quietly content. There were some subdued moods and little laughter. A sense of fatigue was present as I gathered the crowd into a single representative.
     As I scanned the auric field, I established that the aura felt heavy and filled with Eight energy which was looping and moving without destination. Eight is a balancing and connected energy which encourages examining both sides of a debate before making a decision. The appearance of so much Eight suggests indecision and vacillation.
     I swept away as much of the Eight as was willing to go, and received an awareness that the season-weather-climate might be the cause of heaviness. Many people are finished with Winter and waiting for the arrival of Spring, they are in a holding pattern, not needing to continue the activities of the season ending, and unable to move into the business of Springtime.
     When the Eight vibration was cleared, yellow Fours were present in a positive and stable field. The yellow of the solar plexus chakra infused the entire area with certainty and feelings of personal security. Seeing this desirable feeling, I expanded it by adding little horseshoe magnets all over, instructing them to draw the events, people and accomplishments that would promote the personal power of each individual.
     The magnets filled the first layer of the aura, and then transformed themselves into daffodils. The yellow light expanded. The horseshoe shapes shifted to become the bend between stem and bloom. The yellow was variegated through the area, from the pale of a watery winter sun to vibrant neon yellow. The daffodil flowers offered their trumpet shapes for telling the world about the marvels of individuality that each person brings to each new day. The remaining Eight frequency became the framework for the exchange as the magnetic attraction drew in approval and acceptance, and then displayed the unique skills and talents to the whole world, which then promoted more approval and acceptance.
     The light shone like sunshine as it expanded the field further, still magnetic, now filled with the promise of fulfillment. The aura had doubled the size that it had been in the start, with some people exhibiting shiny sparkles, and others a quieter intense light.
     The magnetism of each person’s energy was re-set to invite Cosmic responses which will serve the higher good of all concerned. The Fours remained, and I felt a strong sense of self in each individual, grounded and secure. This year, April (Fourth month) carries a vibration of Two, which is influenced by Eleven energy (2+0+1+4=7, + 4 for April = 11, and 1+1 = 2). Eleven is a carrier of intuition, honesty, sensitivity and patience and it is idealistic. The Two lets you carry these attributes into your relationships.
     I breathed strong Five into the Chakra channel, to allow openness and adaptability. The seven chakras of the body settled into a synchronized, comfortable rhythm, aligned with each other and with Spirit.
     Finally, I enclosed the full, expanded energy field inside a wrapping of white light. The white light encircled and then absorbed the yellow hue from within and shone with a golden shimmer. Know that you are attractive to all the feelings and experiences you want to attract. Feel the golden colour spread through you as you breathe, and know that the Cosmos loves you.
     This alignment exists outside linear time: it is in the energetic realm. If you choose to revisit it, simply ask Spirit to take you to the moment of March 25 ‘s Energetic Alignment, and allow it to be.

Much love to all

  Next Session will take place on April 29, 2014.   
Group Energy Alignment: February 25, 2014

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

      This month I gathered the community together knowing that everyone is concluding a cycle in some part of life. This is a time for release of those energies which were necessary as we moved through that cycle, and which do not need to be carried forward.
     I shifted my awareness onto the energetic plane and called in the fields of all the entities who had agreed to be present.
     I start off with a scan of the auric field that presents. It is cloudy, a confusion of colours, as attendees express their current energy state. As I apply white light to it, it clears. Then I am shown a network with the appearance of wooden beads strung in a great grid, shaped as though draped over the person on whom I am working.
     I recognize that each bead represented an energy block which has been an impediment to the easy flow of energy through the body. I direct Nine energy to the grid and the beads. This vibration teaches them that their job had been completed, and they are no longer necessary.
     The beads are wooden. They are natural and not toxic. They slow down energy flow, and yet do not stop it. Their existence is not at all pathological, simply an indication that our spiritual selves are feeling the slow-ness of residing in physical form.
     The beads are of many kinds of wood: different colours and different shapes. As I direct white light and love into them, they dissolved in various ways. Some pale, long beads simply stretch themselves into the fabric of the netting, no longer slowing down the flow of chi.  Some large, reddish-brown beads, which have been present for some time, snap in half to release the thread beneath, and dissolved into the non-physical. I feel a great relief as they depart.
     Still in an apparently random distribution there are oval and spherical and squared beads in all shades of the wooden spectrum. Some show the grain of the wood; all are smooth and polished. Every one of them resonates with Four energy. When they formed they were practical sensible defences against irrational energies, and they stopped the physical body from being overloaded with non-physical energies.
     White light dissolves all the beads. Some melt, some evaporate, some float away, and others simply stop being detectable by my senses.
     As February closes, and its Nine Energy completes the work with which we have been engaged, we are freed from the restrictions of the past. We move now into the new, creative vibrations that March is carrying to us.
     As the netting clears of lumps and bumps, it glows with the white Spiritual energy I have been applying. All who attend are shifted into a higher, smoother state of being. They will be able to permit the next wave of creative Spirit to manifest in their lives.
     I then seal the field with a blue light. This is the blue of the throat chakra, and is intended to support communication about the new ideas which will come forward in March and beyond.
     When we are granted inspiration and we keep it to ourselves, it cannot improve the lives of others, and will not help to evolve the planet. Talking, writing, singing, dancing are all ways to share the insights and ideas that flow into us. When we allow and honour these gifts, we will find additional methods to expand the message -- and its expression -- into the wider world.
     I thanked (and continue to thank) all the entities who were present, as well as those who will visit this session by time-bending. It remains in the energetic realm, at 8 pm. Eastern on February 25, 2014. Visit as often as you wish.

  Next Session will take place on March 25, 2014.   

Group Energy Alignment
January 28, 2014

On the last Tuesday of each month, I perform an Energy Alignment for the members of my list and community.

     This month I approached the community alignment after a busy and stimulating day. As I accessed the group energy field, I became aware of movement and restlessness which echoed that active state.
     There was Five energy in all parts of the field, and I inserted some Fours to calm and quiet the hectic vibration. I enclosed the field with a cube of (heart chakra) green light and allowed time for the industrious Fives to grow more peaceful.
     Calming Five vibration does not stop the progress and growth that Five energy brings, it simply creates a balanced and purposeful approach, and removes the harried and tiring discomfort that swirling, ever-changing energy can bring.
     I then began to scan the chakras one by one.
     The red of the Root Chakra was cloudy, and the chakra itself was moving only slowly. I recognized the slowness of the season here in the north, and the desire to indulge in a little hibernation. As I brought the rotation up to speed, I injected some One (identity) energy. This reconnected the physical body to the physical world, and reminded all attending entities of the choice they have made to experience the miracle of life in this human form.
     The creative centre of the Sacral Chakra glows orange when it is aligned. Tonight I found it pale and faint. I received the message that this impression did not reflect the entire community, but that a few members are very weak in this area: having been overworked they have become quite drained. The message for them is to take time to renew and refill before attempting to give away more of themselves. I allowed Six energy (service) to pour into the area, believing that those who need to serve themselves first will do so.
     The yellow of the Solar Plexus chakra was also a little pale. The Universal Seven energy of 2014 is opening the way for many progressing souls to examine and explore how their Spiritual nature is interacting with the physical world. This flimsy colour in the Power centre points to the exhaustion that can come from this work, and it called for Two energy. This encourages the forging of new relationships – with people or books or ideas – that will support the shift in self-perception as Soul Growth is allowed to bloom.
     The Heart chakra shone brightly green, perhaps aided by the green cube I had installed in the beginning, and also because this community is filled with people who are working in the realm of Heart-centred communication and way-of-life. I added a little creative Three vibration to allow for innovation in this work.
     The blue of the Throat chakra appeared to me in the shape of an hour-glass. Many people, in this community and in the world, are feeling constrained about speaking their truth. Whatever the block may appear to be, it is an aspect of fear – for only fear and love exist, and love allows communication to flow. I added Nines with their wholeness and ability to complete, and I slid some of the green heart-light into the throat field in order to dilute and replace the fears that exist, and to expand the self-love that eliminates fear of rejection when we express our truth.
     I saw white light filtering through the violet of the Third Eye chakra. Many members of this group are working daily to foster their psychic and intuitive gifts, and the white light asserts the presence of Spirit in this endeavour. The chakra was stable and turning well, the violet colour solid in the presence of the white. I sprinkled some Seven and Nine energies for reinforcement more than for any need.
     The Crown chakra was wide and open. A column of white light connected t to all the other dimensions. There was some bounce-back, as the crowns of some recipients were not sufficiently open to receive the entire light-beam. As a result, there was a blue-white hazy glow around the head, as light scattered in a narrow space. I flowed the Nine digits into this light and allowed them to stream through the crown and into the whole body, and I saw all the chakras turning and shining as a coordinated and aligned unit.
     I closed by sealing the energy field with more Nine energy. February will vibrate with Nines, and Spirit supports the completions and conclusions that can be attained at this time. This coming month will allow for the release of projects and attitudes and even relationships that will not serve us in the future. If doors close to us in February, it is because much more progressive and supportive windows are popping open.
     I finally wrapped the entire field with silver thread, enclosing each of us in the breath of Spirit that moves in us and keeps us safe.
     Blessings to all.

Next Session will take place on February 25, 2014.    

Group Energy Alignment
: December 31, 2013

Happy New Year, Everyone.

     I began by gathering the group together in an energetic body. I set the intent for alignment and balance, and for ease in the shift from the energies of 2013 into the vibrations of the New Year.
     I then scanned the chakras system as a whole, and found a blockage around the solar plexus. Yellow was leaking from the third chakra into the entire field. 
     I invited blessings from the Source of All Things, and watched the auric field in front of me slowly alter, the colour gradually modifying from yellow into green – a deep and textured green. The green energy of the heart space then infused the room around me, and I felt calm and quiet energy being made available to all who were intentionally present.
     When I addressed the chakras individually, the green and loving frequency of the heart stabilized the spin of each energy centre.
     Within the green sheath, each of the centres synchronized with the others, and the green light shifted to white.
     Pouring in through the crown, pure white filled the physical body and then the etheric, emotional, mental and astral bodies, expanding outward with increasing intensity into the template, celestial and causal strata.
     As the area grew accustomed to the light, the chakras asserted their individual colours, and glowed with deep and profound power.
     There was Five energy throughout the field. Individuals were experiencing restlessness as well as a sense of willingness tap in to Five. There is support from Five as we grow and improve, yet it will not impose itself into our field. When we invite Five, it becomes present. 2014 will provide situations where this is first a mindful practice, and later an effortless way to be.
     To aid the transition between years, I smoothed all the detectable Six energy into the physical, letting the service it represents become an intrinsic part of daily behaviour. I then called a Seven ray to infuse each personal field, installing it into all the bodily systems and organs and thought patterns and chakras as well as the energetic envelopes that surround, protect and express our being in human form. Seven installed itself into each cell of the physical bodies that were open to it. It filled the spaces within atoms, and in so doing entered the very existence of those entities.
     I concluded by enclosing each presence in a smooth golden shell. As I wove it from head to foot and back again, it shone brightly and rippled with the motion of breath. When I sealed it above the crown, it expanded until it reached three meters from centre on all sides. It reached into the earth and space above, as well as outwards. This field will interact with the energy fields of more people than I can imagine. 

Special Cosmic Love to siblings T and C and their mother who is fulfilling her destiny and aiding theirs.


Group Energy Alignment: November 26, 2013
     I moved my awareness into the Energetic Plane and called in the fields of all the spirits in human form who had agreed to attend. I began by scanning the auric field which appeared before me.
     The initial impression I received was of clumps of grey used-up energies which were lingering and casting shadows in the field of current activity. I swept them away and replaced them with a soft white light.
     I scanned the chakras from the crown down, and consistently found a green tinge to all the energy present. This reminded me that this community is made up of people who are heart-centered and heart-expressing in daily life. There is a lot of Spiritual energy, vibrating as Seven and Nine, in the entire system.
     As with the last group event, I detected two equal groups, those who are working for change, and those who are wishing for change. To all I injected One energy, in order to support individual action, whether or not it is already underway.
     I then paid close attention to each chakra, beginning with the root. The first was healthy and emitting red. I coordinated the direction of the spin, and infused it with Six energy to ensure that we are each in tune with the Six of 2013 as we draw this year to a close. Our lives will offer us many opportunities to serve (Six) in the next month, and with this connexion there will be willingness and comfort with the idea of giving from and of ourselves. 
     I found some loss of field integrity between the second and third chakras. The orange field of the creative centre and the yellow field of will and self were intermingled. This suggests a failure to differentiate the ‘who we are’ from the ‘what we do’ of modern life.
     I enclosed each of the second and third chakras in a golden pod, allowing the energies to settle as they chose – I did not move anything to a place where it did not flow: I merely contained each chakra as a discrete entity. The redistribution of creativity and the self-definition that result from this change will be entirely individual.
     The heart chakra held a few places where the grey of the past has dimmed the heart-energy, I added the frequency of Five energy to aid in the growth and change that can leave the grey in the past.
     The throat was constricted and I moved more grey clumps away. I infused blue light and Two energy, in support of communication. 
     The third eye and crown were healthy, their motion in accord with the field, and I increased the Nine energy of unity and family-of-the-planet in an attempt to promote maximum interconnexion between all people, present and absent, in all places.
     Finally I wrapped the whole field in a bubble of golden yellow energy, sealed off at about 20 cms from the skin. I breathed all Nine digits into the field, allowing all deficiencies to be replenished.
     I thanked the energies that had worked with me, and also the individuals who permitted me to offer this work. The session will remain on the Energetic Plane, and cannot be diminished. Experience it as often as you choose by time-bending to November 26, 2013 at 8 p.m. Eastern.

Group Energy Alignment:, October 29, 2013

     I moved to the energetic plane and called in the fields of all the entities who had agreed to be present. I started off with a scan of the auric field that presented.
     I found a great deal of debris in the red and orange end of the spectrum. I swept it away using violet light and replaced it with a white-gold vibration. As the red and orange faded, green expanded through the field, reminding us all that we are Heart-centered beings, Living in Love.
     I discovered that the general field had an abundance of Five energy, which was focused into two groups, generally divided by the level of engagement the individuals are currently exhibiting.
     For the half (it is two equal-sized groups) who are engaged in conscious growth and spiritual practice, the Fives indicated soul-development and spiritual evolution as on-going processes. There is no room for complacency, this growth required effort, and the energy is available.
      For the other half there is a sense of great restlessness and even unhappiness. There is dissatisfaction with the way that life currently behaves. The feelings of oppression and "stuckness" are present because life is not flowing with the possibilities of the universe. The act of staying still goes against all the laws of physical life, and the Five is present to tell you to Get Moving.
     I transmitted Seven and One energies into every field. One will add confidence, especially into the stuck fields, offering it as a tool to encourage a little risk-taking. Seven carries Spiritual intention which will progress those who are growing and flowing, and will add to the motivation of those who are not.
     I then placed my attention in each of the chakras in turn, beginning with the first (root chakra) and working my way to the crown.
     I stimulated each energy centre, giving it warmth and movement and drawing it into alignment with each of the others. I removed a massive amount of Six (obligation) Four (rigidity) and Two (compliance) from the third chakra. I replaced that with Ones and Threes for confidence and self-expression. The whole chakra system was then synchronized and coordinated for maximum benefit to each individual.
     To conclude, I wrapped the entire system in a cocoon of energy. I began with an intention for white-silver, and as I worked it took on a silver-blue hue. There may be some ease of communication being called into daily activities.
      I thanked (and continue to thank) those entities who were present, as well as those who will visit this session by time-bending. It will remain in the energetic plane, at 8 pm. Eastern on October 29, 2013. Visit as often as you wish.