The Intentional Path: where Numerology meets Labyrinth

     One of my favourite Numerology tools is the Number Grid, and the uses I learnt from my teacher, Julia Line.
     The grid sets out positions for the nine single digits, and allows a clear view of how the component parts of any individual date combine to reveal the energetic profile of that day.
     Creating a Number Grid to experiment with is very simple: create a noughts-and-crosses or tic-tac-toe game frame. This is the design you are seeking.
     Each of the nine cells in this field is the designated ‘place’ for a single number.
     Natural growth begins in the earth and reaches upwards. Numbers are a key to understanding our physical life, so they, too begin at the bottom.
     One appears in the bottom left corner, and Two and Three grow out above it. Four is rooted in the centre bottom, with Five and Six overtop. In the lower right-hand corner Seven supports the Eight and Nine.    
     When the individual digits of a date are inserted into the appropriate spots in this grid, the lines and voids which appear are clues to the energy transmitted by that day. When numbers create lines – vertically, horizontally or diagonally, the line is interpreted and provides deep understanding about traits and characteristics of the individual.
     In 2008 I began my training to become a Certified Labyrinth Facilitator. As I learnt how to draw and design labyrinths, an early lesson was to understand the basic Seed Pattern upon which nearly all labyrinths – and numerous symbols and artworks around the world -- are based.

     The ends of the cross and the points are linked with arching lines to create a labyrinth path, in this case the most basic, three-circuit Cretan labyrinth.

     Long-time readers may recall that in August of 2013 I was granted a Quantum Moment. Part of the download I received was the revelation that the Number Grid is a version of the Seed Pattern.
     When the digits are superimposed on the lines and points, they align perfectly. Learning this led me to include the innovative Intention Path in my Numerology Chart preparation.
      I received many gifts on that wonderful day and they remain with me. Having the opportunity to understand and use the Intention Path is an ongoing revelation. The profound insights it offers into the details present in each part of a life journey are unique to each of us, and filled with guidance and wisdom.
     Jo Leath has been supporting clients through change and growth since the 1980s.
     For a consultation, in person or by Skype click here
    To have Jo prepare get your Intention Path chart click here
     For a free printable labyrinth click here