Solitude and Growth

There is a quote that shows up on my FaceBook feed with some regularity. It is from Christine Caine and it says “Sometimes when you're in a dark place you think you've been buried, but you've actually been planted.”

We are into the fifth month of isolation and distancing. The virus is killing thousands of people around the globe, and infecting millions for whom life will never be the same.
For those of us with great privilege, this has been a time of withdrawal and quiet. As an introvert, I am content with limiting in-person socializing to outdoor, distanced conversations, usually quite short because the seasons have moved from cold to rain to heat and biting insects. 
Remaining isolated has had only a small impact on my work life. The time I might have spent popping up in stores around the region is now invested in forays on FaceBook Live (Fridays, 2 p.m. Eastern) and teaching via Zoom.   
  I am able to meet with clients using the astonishing video technology that is available, as well as by phone. As a result, instead of being limited to the people walking along a street and into a shop somewhere, I have the whole world for an audience. I am loving it. 
Being by myself gives me the freedom to experiment with ideas and systems I never had time for. In addition to that shift in audience access, I have had time to experiment and research new ways of expanding my reach. 
In the last few weeks I have created a YouTube channel, so that any recorded public sessions I hold can be shared and enjoyed. Just go in to YouTube and search my name, the sessions are all there!  
I have also designed a Patreon program, and am getting it going. Alongside that I am creating programming for Patrons, bringing back the Journey Into Alignment coaching program;  work based in Daniel Pink’s Six Senses for the Conceptual Age, and Clarity Sessions to prioritize tasks and plans. 

“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn't understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.” Cynthia Occelli
      I do hope that each of you has found the best combination of conditions for growth. Society is shifting, we all need new ways of being.

If you are experiencing mental health problems during this time of isolation, there is help available.Check the Links Here

There are aspects of a Numerology Chart which can help you to understand the multiple talents and abilities that are at your disposal in this life. There are ways to use card readings to tap into synchronicity and focus attention on those parts of life you choose to change.
I have been practising Numerology and supporting clients through life changes since the 1980s.
For a consultation, or to commission a chart of your name and birthdate, we can meet in by technology without endangering anyone or contravening Social Distance. We have time! Schedule your session Now!