I began practicing Numerology back in the early 1980s, when I was living in Kamloops B.C. According to About.com Numerology is ‘the study of numbers, normally based upon the premise that numbers can reveal the future or hidden information. ‘

Numerology found me. I was in my car with a call-in radio show playing. People were phoning in with their dates-of-birth, and the studio guest was giving them brief personality outlines. The callers expressed amazement at his accuracy, and I knew I needed to know more about this unheard-of topic. Reading the books, when I found them, was more like remembering than learning. As I began to put the new knowledge into practice I was soon convinced that there was value in the insights I could share with Numerology.

Over the decades there have been times when weeks would go by between preparing Numerology charts, and other times when I would calculate and deliver several in a week. At any time, though, the concept was never very far away. I kept up a January 1st tradition of pulling out my own chart and reminding myself which vibrations were present. As a daily practice through the year, however, Numerology was a buzz in the background rather than a focus or presence.

Then I was initially attuned to the Usui method of Reiki in 2008 and everything changed. Number vibration stopped being a discipline for charts and backgrounds, and moved into my every day.

The International Center for Reiki Training says that Reiki is a “Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.”

As my Reiki training reached completion and I had the opportunity to “lay my hands” on one of the other students, I realized instantly that it was my job to transmit the unseen "life force energy" differently. The only sensible way for me to move unseen energy was to bundle it with Number vibrations.

In Numerology, the digits are added together until only one remains. There are a few exceptions, and much can be learnt from compound numbers, but that is for another day. In my Reiki practice I usually use only the Numbers One to Nine. Each of these has many attributes, every one a facet of the essential particular property.

A One carries frequencies that support beginnings and initiations, the individual, the identity.  When I place my hands on a client and transmit One, I am elevating the vibration of the energy field into One Energy. The client is then supported in finding and expressing focus and intention; they can start new projects with confidence, and be original in their thinking.

I had practiced this method only a few times, on new and repeat clients, when I noticed that sometimes a person’s field refused to accept the delivery of certain Numbers.

At first I thought I was doing something wrongly. I repositioned my hands, focused my own energy more tightly, and repeated what I was sending. Resistance was the issue, not incompetence.  

Reiki clients are usually open to discussions of energy in all its forms and they are interested to know what a practitioner is finding.  I spoke with my clients, telling them about the resistance, and then learning from them about their individual challenges and circumstances. I soon realized that the resistance that was evident to me was a reflection of what was going on in their lives.

The person who resisted One was struggling to avoid accepting responsibility in her career. The woman resisting Six was feeling called to a life of service, and she was refusing to give up the status-filled job she disliked. A client with physical ailments resisted Five: growing and changing would challenge the lifestyle that he had established, and despite the words he uttered, he was in fact entrenched in keeping things exactly as they were.

With time and experience I also came to recognize the sensation when a client’s field was drawing extra from the Numbers as well. In one case, I felt Four being demanded and drawn through in vast quantities, and learnt later that the client was recovering from medical issues which had caused physical damage. The Four energy was being called in to lay a new foundation for rebuilding the cells and structures in the body.

I do not claim to understand just how Number Reiki works.  I think I am perhaps dipping into some kind of organic technology for which we have no name as yet. It seems as magic today as electric light did was when it was new. I think the time will come when this kind of encounter with human Energy Fields will be regarded as quite ordinary and unremarkable. Meanwhile, I feel honoured to have been granted a role as a transmitter, and it is my wish to use this unusual skill to help as many people as I realistically can.
