March Forward

     The next month in the North brings the Spring Equinox on the 20th, and many other holidays:  perhaps the return of longer, warmer days encourages people to celebrate.
    People interested in Human Rights will be marking International Women's Day on the 8th; science buffs will honour Pi Day on the 14th; and anyone with a claim to Irish heritage will party for St. Patrick on the 17th.
    The Hindu Festival of Colours, or Holi, begins on March 24th this year. Holi signifies the triumph of good over evil; the end of winter and arrival of spring. It is a time to frolic and laugh in pure enjoyment. Participants chase each other and throw colourful powders, like turmeric, all over people. Water, in pistols or balloons, spreads the colours over everyone. No one is excluded:  friends and strangers, rich and poor, men and women from every age group broadcast colours to everyone else, in streets,  parks, and temple courtyards. This is a family time of music and drumming; eating and drinking; when laughter and  forgiveness flow.
    For Christian congregations March 27th will be Easter Sunday, concluding 40 days of the season of Lent. Easter marks the arrival of Spring, and celebrates the victory of life over death.
    In Numerology 2016 holds a frequency of Nine*, and Nine energy is with everyone, every day. March, as the third month, adds a Three which remains present because  9 + 3 = 12, and 1 + 2 = 3)
    Three carries a vibration of creation and novelty as new things arrive in the physical realm.

Personal Years
 To calculate the Number for your Personal Year, see the examples below.
     I am currently in a Four Personal Year and the combination of a year demanding preparations for the future and a month of learning, suggests that March will not be without some necessary teachings.  Wisdom abides in approaching March without expectation.
    If you are in a Five Personal Year, March will fill your life with reminders about cause and effect, and the interrelationships that exist everywhere. This is a good time to release your connexion to attitudes that are weighing you down.
    A Six Personal Year brings a March that fuels accomplishment. Perhaps your seasonal “cleaning” can include some unfinished projects that promote self-judgment. Rid yourself of circumstances that are not uplifting; defy procrastination and liberate yourself from the incomplete.  
    When 2016 is your Seven Personal Year, March offers new opportunities and delivers unimagined directions for growth. If you have been considering all kinds of potential choices, you will find that Spirit has gone off-list to bring you exciting new possibilities.
    Early in your Eight Personal Year you may be feeling disconnected or displaced. Before December you will find your true path. Meanwhile, in March you can reconnect with Source: populate life with souls who  support you with unconditional love and acceptance.
    In a Nine Personal Year March is a month of creativity and original thought. Indulge in – or begin – a quiet practice to allow time to hear inspiration. Hug trees, meditate, run, chant, or pray, the quiet will bring you long-lasting gifts.
    If this is your One Personal Year,  March may demand that some practical tasks be completed. Failure to do so will delay the unfolding of your natural cycle, and you may begin to feel stifled. Make a list. Cross things off.
    A Two Personal Year  is busy and full, and this month you may be expanding your circle of acquaintance through travel or hosting travellers. On the 31st of March you will be able to measure your progressive personal growth this month.
    If you are in a Three Personal Year, March will expand your creative energies and inspiration will be poised to flow as soon as you permit it. There are responsibilities which you must meet: sometimes they are about fulfilling your destiny.
    No matter which Personal Year number is with you for 2016, March will add novel ideas and 'out-of-the-box' thinking to your life.  If your regular routine doesn't offer an outlet for new concepts, consider taking a class or adopting a new practice to accommodate the inspiration that is ready to enter the world.
    When we engage with our Numbers, every moment is a chance to learn about ourselves and grow into our fullest selves.

*2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9

*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2016: Add the number of the Day you were born, to the number of the month you were born, and then add Eight.
Keep adding until you have only one digit.
For example: my birthday is 28 March, so I add 2+8 = 10, and 1+0 = 1 +3 for March = 4 + 9 for 2016 totals 13. 1+3 = 4, my Personal Year number for 2016

If you were born on the 27 February, you would add 9+2+9= [20, 2+0=20] Two Personal Year for 2016
26 April 8+4+9= Three
25 October 7+1+9 = Eight
and so on.

I have been practising Numerology and supporting clients through life changes since the 1980s.
For a consultation, or to commission a chart of your name, we can meet in person, by telephone, or by Skype  Click Here