Making Progress

    Those among us who have chosen a Human Experience that started in the 1900s  are witnessing massive energetic shifts. The changes that have come with the 2000s are unique, and it is worth taking time to to celebrate them, and embrace them for the progress they represent.
    The numbers on the calendar spent a thousand delivering the energy of One: that vibration which begins all things, and is at the centre of each of us. 
    Early in the Middle Ages, people were born to roles and to places. Rulers were born, and moved into leadership as deaths made way for the inheritance of titles and lands position. Others were born to serve the rulers: to work the farms, to maintain the necessities of the ruler’s life. We think of them now as peasants, and it was their place to care for the livestock, tend the crops, take up arms when required, and support the perceived natural order of life. 
    In the year 1000, life in the Western world began to move away from entrenched roles for each individual, to something quite different. 
    At the level of societal change and restructuring, things do not happen on a Tuesday. This is not about a massive adjustment that ever occurred on the first day of January. It is more of a series of tiny course corrections, which, when taken early, result in arriving at a destination far removed from the original heading. 
    Proof of the evolving new way of being is seen in the creation of the Domesday Book in 1086, commissioned by King William I, known as the Conqueror. It is a land survey and comprehensive inventory of all the properties of England at the time. It records ownership of land, alongside values and liabilities belonging to each. 
    While the king’s motivation was to ascertain what taxes he might extract from the population, it is interesting to note that he did not choose to attack and plunder by force. Only 86 years into the new millennium, he allowed for the dignity of individual land-owners and apparent fairness to them. 
    A mere 129 years after Domesday the landowning ‘barons’ of the country initiated Magna Carta: a document constituting a fundamental guarantee of rights and privileges. It established the principle that individual is subject to the law, even the king. ‘The Great Charter’ guarantees the rights of individuals, the right to justice and the right to a fair trial.
King John gave his assent in June 1215 at Runnymede, under pressure from the barons. 

    During the following centuries the world became a little smaller. People traveled and learnt about other peoples and other ways of being. Despite the diversity of communities and nations and people who were gradually connected to each other, and the trend of encouraging individual rights and responsibilities was sustained. 733 years after that, in 1948, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the UN General Assembly. 
    This Universal Declaration is document that applies to the entire global population, and states the basic rights and fundamental freedoms to which all human beings are entitled.
    In a thousand years of One energy we developed an understanding of the power of the individual: the impact that each can have on the world. 
    Alongside that growth, came the emergence of a philosophy of One-ness: an understanding that the Divinity has no parts, and that each of us is inextricably intertwined with all others. 
   I have been practising Numerology and supporting clients through life changes since the 1980s.
For a consultation, or to commission a chart of your name and birthdate, we can meet in person, FaceTime or telephone click here.