Gratitude and Moving Forward

I am writing this on Day 16 of the Deepak Chopra 21 day Meditation Challenge.

Many of the people in my life, both on-line and off, are participating in this event.

The structure of this meditative challenge is thoroughly aligned with the calendar: I am feeling the benefit already.

The Seven Energy which is vibrating during November is aligned with meditation and Spiritual connexion. Those people who are developing a meditation practice are supported in doing it this month by the Cosmic Frequency which surrounds them.

My Personal Numbers have me in my Nine year and a Two month in November: I am offered relationship possibilities on every level as I prepare for Year One of my new cycle in 2013.

To take this time to meditate is serving me well.  I am reinforcing the bond I have with my own DeeperSelf. I am aligning my rapport with many other levels of myself:  my physical, emotional and mental planes. Additionally, I am opening my wakeful mind to that wisdom which hovers below my consciousness and moves me along the path of Soul Growth. All is as I intended before I came to the Earth School.

Day 16 in any cycle carries a progressive energy signature. The One calls to the individual, and the Six commands service. Together they mete out Spiritual Seven energy, which will always champion Soul Growth. When we step into service, we are fulfilling our intention.

There are two specifically Spiritual numbers in the cycle: Seven and Nine. This 16/7 opportunity arrives on a Nine day (2+0+1+1+2+0+1+2=9): focused Spirit.

In Deepak Chopra’s design, Day Sixteen’s theme is “Living Gratefully”. The weaving together of Cosmic Wisdom is dense and profound. Those Seekers who shift into a vibration of Gratitude are those who uncover the greatest gifts for which to be thankful.

In this, my Nine year, as I move through many conclusions and completions, opening my life to new potentials in the next cycle, I have identified many more reasons for gratitude than might have been on my list this time last year.

Late 2011 naturally began my shift toward the Nine energies, and I was fortunate to be able to travel a little and learn a lot. From my home in Nova Scotia I travelled and trained with the Rev. Dr. Lauren Artress, and attended and event with Carolyn Myss and Dr. Wayne Dyer. Their teachings, and the human connexions I made with other attendees, prepared me for the massive personal adjustments that 2012 had in store.

As I reviewed my Numbers in January, I felt no particular need for massive change. I was comfortable and happy in my job and with the people in my life. I had met wonderful new friends. I was expanding my knowledge base. My training needed just a few finishing touches that looked like Nines. I was grateful for all that I had, and I saw no reason to create upheaval in my life.

My Nine Year had much more in store, however. I was grateful for the opportunity to travel in February. I visited Arizona and Mexico, and then the Ottawa region, always visiting people I love. Some are my DNA family, others were chosen later. All help me define myself by what they reflect back to me.

In May I returned to Wakefield, near Ottawa, and in June I went to Miami for the Heart Summit with Christian Pankhurst, Bo Eason and Tej Steiner.  I met up with people who belong in my life. That feeling of restriction that informs the need for change began to kick in.

I made the decision to leave Nova Scotia and settle in Wakefield. After 19 years in Annapolis County, it was suddenly not the right place. While leaving was not easy, and saying goodbye came with sorrow and a feeling of loss, it also felt 100% correct.

I left in September: the Nine month of my Nine year. I released great loads of possessions. I packed some books, photographs, clothes and favourite kitchenware and not much else. I drove away with only brief glances back.

I made an adventure of the journey. I walked North America’s largest grass Baltic Wheel labyrinth at Kingsboro in Prince Edward Island. I visited the Medieval labyrinth at the Land of the Little People near Stanley in New Brunswick. I returned to the town in Northern New Brunswick where I had spent three years in the early 1990s, and I discovered that my memories are mostly happy.

I have lived through so many profound changes since I lived there. It was our first home as a couple, and I had fears about returning as a widow. My Nine Frequency carried me through, and even the sorrow of returning alone was transmuted by recall of those early days of love and commitment.

 Meditating on gratitude this morning I connected to the depth of thanks I hold for the seventeen years of unconditional love that I was granted. I am changed by every moment we were together, and I am grateful for each one.

I am changed, too, by being left behind. As my Soul Mate made the transition to the next dimension, I was required to move into a new life entirely. When I look into the mirror today my heart brims with gratitude for the opportunities that have come to me. The Sacred Contract we had made included my life alone, and I cannot express the gratitude I have for that contract. I was loved so deeply that I was trusted to move forward alone. There can surely be no greater passion between two people than that which accelerates the evolution of the Self and thereby the Soul.

In Canada we marked Thanksgiving a few weeks ago. Now we are surrounded by messages about the celebration in America. Thanksgiving and Gratitude are not, I think, a one-day-each-year event. Living in gratitude is a mindset, a way of being. My every breath includes the knowledge that I still have life in the physical realm. I have a purpose to fulfill.

My personal Nine year, in this Universal Five year of change and growth, has given me more and more each day to appreciate. Every one of the gifts of this time will come with me as I start my new cycle in the Universal Six of service.

My destiny beckons. I am able to move into it. I am thankful beyond words.

      To purchase your personalized Numerology Chart prepared by Jo Leath, please visit