Gifts of The Shift

     When I first arrived in this human incarnation, I had come to a family where adults and a young sibling were my teachers. We lived circumstances that would predispose me to the learning I intended to accomplish. I believed that security would ease me into the physical realm. My expectation was that I would be taught the secrets of success and thus I would succeed. It wasn’t quite like that.
     Years later, as I became more independent, I looked for predictability and certainty. I wanted to understand the results of my actions. I thought that if I could master the formulae, if I could know that 1+2=3, I could always behave correctly; I could get the outcomes I wanted; I could fit in to the turning-cog world that I had been socialized to inhabit.
     For a long time I couldn’t find a sensible formula. I thought I was doing something wrong. I did not know that certainty, like perfection, cannot be achieved in the human realm and that questing for certainty is a doomed enterprise. The more energy I diverted into the search, the less I dealt with reality. Detachment from reality drove me further away, as I sought refuge in drink and foolish behaviours.  If I had known, then, that everyone else was similarly groping for coping, my life would have unfolded differently; decades of angst would have been eased.
     Fortunately I didn’t have that information, and my struggles and the lessons I learnt have brought me to today. My history of so-called failure and disconnection gave me a level of empathy and caring that would never have existed if my life-path had been smoother. All the time that I was resisting and rejecting the conditions of my life, everything was exactly correct to bring me to the person I am now.
     I believe that the greatest gift of the societal Shift which is currently underway is the awareness that Life is teaching correctly; constantly.
     In Shift Consciousness the delay between the lesson and my comprehension has shrunk. Instead of needing a decade or three years or six months to see the positive contained in so-called obstacles, I can now discern the gifts right away.
     As I move to embrace The Shift, all things have become my teachers, and my study topic has become myself. Life has stopped being about what I can know and what is certain. There is no grand finale where everything falls into place. Life in the Shift is a time of continuous adjustment. Ongoing learning has become the aim, and this is the new lens through which I see myself in the world.
     As we each move into the Shift, individually and on our personal schedule, our worldview softens.
     Family is teaching us who we are and how we respond to their input. Our jobs and businesses show us how we relate to other people; how we meet their needs; how we spend time in ways that fulfill us.
     Our children remind us that outside of linear time we there is no old or young: we are blessed by the souls who have agreed to be our children, and we will never stop learning from them. Each triumph and each challenge points towards soul-growth.    
     We have been granted specialized and particular opportunities for growth. Accept and allow, and expansion will succeed. We will Shift. We will express something closer to the magnificence that we are. We will become who we came to be, and we will (continue to) change the world.
     Jo Leath has been supporting clients through change and growth since the 1980s.
     To arrange a consultation, in person or by Skype click here
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