
        I am in Nanaimo BC for a few weeks, and since I arrived I have received several decks of cards that are new to me. In reading the literature that accompanies them, I have already discovered that the Akashic Tarot by Sharon Anne Klinger and Sandra Anne Taylor has a wonderful tie to a Numerology chart.

    This deck of beautiful cards has four suits that easily align with the four Planes of Expression that are found in the Numerology of a name. In Numerology, the Planes of Expression provide access to important clues about our Intentions in life, and when I set out the cards numbered for my own Planes of Expression, I found accurate information about me.
       Cards labelled Forces represent the Physical Plane. The Scrolls cards read into the Mental Plane. Roses cards reveal energy in the Emotional Plane, and the Keys relate to the Spiritual Plane. I plan to study the new decks and work with them over the next few weeks.

     When I get back to Masham in July I shall be offering discounted readings as I practice with them. Readings, especially for people I do not know, are the very best way for me to learn how best to use and interpret any cards. I am looking forward to finding out where these decks plan to take me.

I have been practising Numerology and supporting clients through life changes since the 1980s. For a consultation, or to commission a chart of your name and birthdate, we can meet in person, by telephone, or by Skype  Click Here