2021 May

     The Five Energy of 2021** is magnified by the energy of the Fifth month.  Five is the Number of change and adaptation, which are certainly present in 2021 so far. During May there will be new adjustments to make, new systems and methods being initiated to keep our activities safe. To ensure everybody’s continued health and safety there will also be new frameworks to work within. 

*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2021 see below 

This is my Nine Personal Year and May will bring me reasons to adapt my life to the changing conditions we all face. As I reach the conclusion of some of my work, I can look forward to new endeavours.
     A One Personal Year is imbued with original thinking and new directions to take. During May there will be chances to combine your own interests with community service, creating benefit that will ripple out, going further than you might imagine. 
     If this is your Two Personal Year multiple teachers are available to you, and the learning you do in May will be particularly profound. Pay close attention to silver linings when you perceive yourself surrounded by clouds: they are gifts! 
     In a Three Personal Year inspiration flows, and this is especially true for the month of May. Hold your mind and heart open, and find a quiet practice. Be still and listen to the immense wisdom that is already yours.
     In a Four Personal Year May uses pragmatic energies to support the completion of projects that have been languishing unfinished, or have suffered because of procrastination. Take a deep breath and step forward, the sense of accomplishment will nourish you!  
     Five Personal Years are busy and active and you may feel restlessness when limited by societal restrictions. Seclusion can be used to your advantage in May. Using technology to join classes and groups online, the solitary life can be enriched.
     A Six Personal Year is a gift to your community -- close and distant. During May you will make an impact on people who are following your example and learning from your actions. Be mindful as you make your contribution.
     In a Seven Personal Year there are lessons and teachings at every turn. During May there is inspiration to be found in knowledge and wisdom that is already yours. Time spent writing in a private journal may reveal much value.
     An Eight Personal Year offers lessons about finding balance, and in May there could be urgency around tending to practical matters. Legal agreements and contracts need not be postponed, this is the month to clearly name your requirements before signing.
     For Everyone, May delivers vibrations of innovation as all aspects of our lives are brought into alignment with new methods. As workplaces shift and home-life adapts to varied configurations, we are called to release our ideas of “how things should be” and instigate the acceptance of “what is”. 


Digits are added together until only one remains.

2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 5


If the day and month of your birthday add up to 1, then 2021 is your Six Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 2, then 2021 is your Seven Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 3, then 2021 is your Eight Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 4, then 2021 is your Nine Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 5, then 2021 is your One Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 6, then 2021 is your Two Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 7, then 2021 is your Three Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 8, then 2021 is your Four Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 9, then 2021 is your Five Personal Year

     There are many aspects of a Numerology Chart which can help you to focus your activities and enjoy the expansion that 2021 supports. I have been practising Numerology and supporting clients through life changes since the 1980s.
     For a consultation, or to commission a chart of your name and birthdate, we can meet in Zoom or FaceBook Video Messenger click here.  
     Check out my FaceBook Live on Friday at 2 p.m. Eastern on the Exploring Paths to Cosmic Wisdom FaceBook Page