2021 December

      The Five Energy of 2021** is greatly enhanced by the Numbers for December.
      The One and Two of the Twelfth month add to Three, which is the point of inspiration. This is the place where the Cosmos can flow all things into the human realm. 
        Three is how new ideas arrive, and solutions to problems, and startling flashes of understanding. Three brings the light of wisdom to the darkness of not knowing. 

*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2021, see below 

    This is my Nine Personal Year and December is closing out my year of completions and releases. The new year will be broadly open to more possibilities if I follow my instincts this month, and eliminate unnecessary or negative presences.    
     December in a One Personal Year is a time to gather together all the new projects of the past year, and decide which deserve follow through. Be realistic about what will fit your future. Find focus, and gather scattered energies.
     If this is your Two Personal Year December may expand your circle of friends, colleagues or even your family. Embrace the growth you have experienced in 2021, acknowledge and celebrate the changes you have made to your way of thinking.  
     In a Three Personal Year December can be beneficial for you and the people around you. Your Cosmic connexion is considerably stronger now than it was in January, and now is the time to listen closely and initiate beneficial plans. 
     Going into December in a Four Personal Year may feel like a course of study. There is so very much to learn, and other people are learning from you. Get clear about the direction you want to take, remain centred. 
     The constant movement within a Five Personal Year is amplified this December. There will be spiritually directed movement in your thinking, your emotions, or your body, possibly all three. Allow. Sit in quiet and observe the gifts you are granted.  
     A Six Personal Year finishes with a sense of getting it done, what ever ‘it’ may be. The goals you set earlier in the year are within reach or already achieved. Where work remains, there is a whole month for application.
     In a Seven Personal Year the growth of Spirit is foremost, and new questions have arisen from every answer you uncovered. December lets you re-set the base line with which you are willing to live. You are evolving into greatness.  
     During an Eight Personal Year there have been many influences to promote how you interact with the world. You have the wisdom and ability to be the influence in the lives of others this month. Relationships deepen through truth-telling. 
     For Everyone: December of 2021 is a month of flowing energy that brings Source Love and Wisdom into the Human Realm in an easy and accessible way. Look to the shifts in the physical world, to the return of the light at Solstice. There are festivals at this time of year to honour the triumph of light over darkness, which is a sage metaphor for the many miracles we can bring into being with intention.  


Digits are added together until only one remains.

2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 5


If the day and month of your birthday add up to 1, then 2021 is your Six Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 2, then 2021 is your Seven Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 3, then 2021 is your Eight Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 4, then 2021 is your Nine Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 5, then 2021 is your One Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 6, then 2021 is your Two Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 7, then 2021 is your Three Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 8, then 2021 is your Four Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 9, then 2021 is your Five Personal Year

     There are many aspects of a Numerology Chart which can help you to focus your activities and enjoy the best in life. 
     I have been practising Numerology and supporting clients through life changes since the 1980s.
     For a consultation, or to commission a chart of your name and birthdate, we can meet in Zoom or FaceTime, click here.  
     Check out my FaceBook Live on Friday at 2 p.m. Eastern on the Exploring Paths to Cosmic Wisdom FaceBook Page