2020 July

The Four Energy of 2020** combines with the Seven vibrating for July, and gives us both Eleven and Two.
Eleven carries frequencies of empathy and intuition, while the Two is always about relationship at some level. This opens the door to each of connecting mindfully to other people and acknowledging their reality while remaining centre within our own.
*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2020 see below 

This is my Eight Personal Year, and in July I will be hearing the call of my deepest destiny. The activities which rise up in my path will be progressive for my intended journey through this lifetime. Serving serves me.

During a Nine Personal Year, July is one of learning and setting and example, not only for those people with whom you relate regularly, but also for far-flung observers who have escaped your notice. You will be productive this month. 
A One Personal Year is filled with new possibilities, and in July there is a flow of ideas and emotions and even, sometimes, physical things. Flowers and fruits are on the move, and the garden energies permeate all of life. 
If this is your Two Personal Year some relationships may have reached their conclusions. Endings can come because of natural processes like death, or from choices made for emotional or practical reasons. This is a predictable part of Human Experience.  

In a Three Personal Year inspiration is whispering whether you are listening or not. If you are not listening, you are unlikely to hear. July is a good time to decide to pay attention, there is much wisdom for you.  
In a Four Personal Year there are many practicalities to tend. [2020 is a Four year, and it is requiring much attention.] When aligned with the calendar in this way, July can be a month when other people impose on you, and attempt to influence your actions. Be true to yourself.
If 2020 is your Five Personal Year, you are positioned to be ready for growth and progress through the tying times of July. Spirit is supporting you, and will offer solutions to you through dreams and hunches. Pay close attention.
If this is your Six Personal Year your inclination to be helpful and caring is balanced, in July, by the need to care for yourself. An offer of service is meaningless if you do not protect the people around you. 
In a Seven Personal Year July is often travel-filled. This July, make time in your day for walking and reading and learning. The mind and memory can expand without ever leaving home, if you choose to make it so.  

For Everyone: Make time to sit quietly, in meditation, silent prayer, tree hugging or simple listening. The whole world is undergoing changes, and new thinking will be necessary. Hear the inspiration that will uphold you. There is no wrong day to do this, and there is very specific and powerful energy on July 4, 7, 13, 16,  22, 25, and 31.

Digits are added together until only one remains.
2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 4
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 1, then 2020 is your Five Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 2, then 2020 is your Six Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 3, then 2020 is your Seven Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 4, then 2020 is your Eight Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 5, then 2020 is your Nine Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 6, then 2020 is your One Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 7, then 2020 is your Two Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 8, then 2020 is your Three Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 9, then 2020 is your Four Personal Year

There are many aspects of a Numerology Chart which can help you to focus your activities and enjoy the very best that 2020 can bring. I have been practising Numerology and supporting clients through life changes since the 1980s.
For a consultation, or to commission a chart of your name and birthdate, we can meet in person or by telephone.
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