2019 July

The Three Energy of 2019** combines with the vibrations of July to bring a month of fresh ideas and innovative thinking. 
*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2019 see below 

     This is my Seven Personal Year and there will be many changes in July, some of them life-changes. I will need to adapt to new conditions, and be aware that the teachings of Seven will echo through the new circumstances.  
     In an Eight Personal Year there are opportunities for balance and July will permit the world around you to benefit from the decisions you make.  No-one is an island, and as you make the right choices for you, others learn.
     During a Nine Personal Year July is a month when the Soul makes profound advance. There may be alterations in your close circle or among distant loved ones. Use this to understand your own nature more deeply, celebrate your uniqueness. 
      A One Personal Year offers new beginnings by default. July says it is time to pause and make choices about the role of tomorrow and next month and next year. Now is your chance to become your truest Soul self.  
     If 2019 is your Two Personal Year, July will bring energies of accomplishment. Ideas that have been simmering on a back burner will come to the front and succeed. Reexamine your priorities, and enjoy releasing that which no longer serves. 
     In a Three Personal Year July contains space for inspiration, and supports the launch of novel, original projects. If you are still thinking outside the box, consider that the box is an illusion, and disregard whatever limits you have allowed.  
     In a Four Personal Year July is filled with ideas and input from other people. This may be through meetings, social activity, reading their words or listening to broadcasts. Engage, and there will be vast understanding gained and carried forward. 

     Five Personal Years can be restless as they seek the path to growth. Hone your focus this July by finding your central Quiet, and following the inspiration you find there. Without one simple idea, make exploration and research your goal. 
     If this is your Six Personal Year, June brought busyness and July demands practical attention to that. The future will benefit from the time you take now to ensure that all the red-tape has been addressed. Procrastination is very negative.
     For Everyone: The world has changed since last month, and even since yesterday. We are called on to use our imaginations and experience to create the wisdom required by our future. 
July is a tie when many workers are able to take time for rest and relaxation, which is perfect for connecting with our deeper Selves.

Digits are added together until only one remains.
2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12, 1 + 2 = 3
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 1, then 2019 is your Four Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 2, then 2019 is your Five Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 3, then 2019 is your Six Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 4, then 2019 is your Seven Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 5, then 2019 is your Eight Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 6, then 2019 is your Nine Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 7, then 2019 is your One Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 8, then 2019 is your Two Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 9, then 2019 is your Three Personal Year

There are many aspects of a Numerology Chart which can help you to focus your activities and enjoy the very best that 2019 can bring.
I have been practising Numerology and supporting clients through life changes since the 1980s.
For a consultation, or to commission a chart of your name and birthdate, we can meet in person or by telephone click here.