2019 August

The Three Energy of 2019** combines with August to move us all into new ways of being in community. 
We may find new friends, or move ourselves into new circles of people. Our workplaces might assign different individuals to work with us. 
However the changes come about, we will be able to learn about ourselves and how we relate to others.

*** To calculate your Personal Year Number for 2019 see below 

This is my Seven Personal Year and August will add to the growth of July and permit me ample opportunity to serve my community and my Life Intentions. People will flow into my sphere from diverse sources, enriching my life. 
In an Eight Personal Year August brings a chance to make discoveries about how we react and respond to the people around us. New acquaintances will lead us into untried behaviours and friendships which will then reveal the resulting self-knowledge. 
During a Nine Personal Year August provides a pause from some of the accomplishment. This permits a gathering of energy and resources, and a chance to prepare for the near future. Use the time to rest and relax: renew yourself.
In a One Personal Year Cosmic energies this August will be helping you to tie up some of the loose ends that are left over from the past. The more clearing you do, the more room for expansion next month. 
If this is your Two Personal Year August brings new possibilities. Keep your eyes open, especially for new people who can help you to make the most of the life you are living. Teachers, neighbours, even children may be sources of inspiration.

In a Three Personal Year you are aligned with the calendar, and the coming month will be very peopled. Schedule alone-time if you need it, because the default setting for August is busy with team-building, personnel training and family functions. 
In a Four Personal Year the greatest August gift will be the inspiration that comes from people who influence you, including authors and teachers. Make room in your life for reflective time when new concepts can develop in your thinking. 
Five Personal Years can swirl with energy and change as life blossoms in new directions. August supports you as you to impose some calm to seek perspective. Take a breath, think clearly, and fully enjoy the expansive excitement you feel.
If this is your Six Personal Year August might distract you from the goals you expected to reach. If you’ve had your head down working hard, this is the month to look up and see what else is going on. 
For Everyone: The watchword really is people. Keep your heart open to the learning and ideas that other people can offer you. Be present with those who are in your company. Everyone is important to your journey, be sure to reflect that in your interactions. 

Digits are added together until only one remains.
2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12, 1 + 2 = 3


If the day and month of your birthday add up to 1, then 2019 is your Four Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 2, then 2019 is your Five Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 3, then 2019 is your Six Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 4, then 2019 is your Seven Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 5, then 2019 is your Eight Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 6, then 2019 is your Nine Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 7, then 2019 is your One Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 8, then 2019 is your Two Personal Year
If the day and month of your birthday add up to 9, then 2019 is your Three Personal Year

There are many aspects of a Numerology Chart which can help you to focus your activities and enjoy the very best that 2019 can bring. I have been practising Numerology and supporting clients through life changes since the 1980s.
For a consultation, or to commission a chart of your name and birthdate, we can meet in person or by telephone click here.